I can barely afford to feed my gaming/sugar/card game habits, I can't afford a card if I wanna get a car within this year. I don't even use my phone as much as most people do anyway.
Is it really that bigadeal? You really only need one ringtone, unless you wanna use your phone as a MP3 player. In that case you get no pity from me, demon!
hey fearless when the contract is up for the fone, you can get a new one but will have to pay $20 dollars extra, well actually the day you got the fone or signed uo for the contract you can upgrade to a new fone. my fone is worse, it deletes my contacts and it only lets me have one picture. it's $10 dollars per month and its at & t. i think the first two months of my new fone are gonna have free internet.......werid...-_-''''' but then again i use my fone alot btw my frined whitney i am currentky texting says hi and dont die.