I'm starting to get a little bit nervous. Mostly because of the parallel parking though, the rest I feel I can do just fine. But my dad wants to have me practice more at 8AM....way too early. I think we should start around 9, since that gives me more time to sleep, and still gives us a good 2 and a half hours before we need to leave for the place
I did fine for the most part on that part. I think I just forgot to look on one of my sides or something when I was doing it.
Be like me and live in a backwoods area where they give out licenses to anyone. My parallel park was pulling up behind a parked car ... with no other car blocking. I can parallel park though, just wasn't a biggy on the test. You'll do fine or have done fine if you read this post test taking. The worst thing that's going to happen is you'll hit something. You don't really go fast during the test. ProTip: I always find backing in to be the easiest method of parallel parking.
I find the best method of parallel parking is finding a nearby business, borrowing their parking lot, and getting some exercise.
Well, I passed, with nearly a perfect score. The guy said he only took 2 points off a me, and since you start with 100 points, and you fail if you've lost 30 or more...I'd say I got an S rank
Honestly don't know, but it's not that big of a thing. He said I did perfect on my parking, turns, and everything else, and so who knows
Texas isn't exactly NY. But maybe they don't want you to get docked too much because if you're in someplace like NYC, you're going to want to be really good at driving
Making sure on this: You do know NYC is like a speck on the map of NY, right? Like, we have this whole area north of it that's all country. All of it.
New York and good driving HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're joking right? New York has some of the worst drivers ever.