Lucky. We have to go to school for the rest of the week and take semester finals. But let me tell you how this works. Our school goes by a schedule that involves us having 8 classes. We have 4 one day, and the other 4 the next. And its consecutive. So this week, we take two classes a day. (this just started today btw) Each class is two ours long and it has a semester final. Once both classes are over, we have lunch and go home. So I have to deal with this for the rest of the week ;~; . But at least we get out of school early every day. And we get our break next week.
It's times like this where I wish I was in college already. ;; Damn you last year and a half of high school.
Ahhh, I'm working until January when I have 6 exams, but after that I will get a break until May. I say a break, I mean a break from exams. I'm rather jealous.