It's an invitation to this thing this summer, the Oxford/Cambridge Prep Experience, or something like that.I got invited because i did good on my PSAT, according to them. I think i could've done better, but whatever. And it looks fucking sweet, lots of interesting things to do and all that, cool classes, field trips, etc etc. Cost about 7000 dollars, though, so i don't think i'm gonna go.
7000? Holyshit... Maybe not go to this one, but you should definately try one of those college summer program things, for the experience and such. If you feel its worth it though, by all means, go. My PSAT sucked ass...
I don't believe he's not going because he doesn't feel like it. I think he's poor. PICS O' CASH OR DIDN'T HAPPEN!
I apologize. With your obvious lack of it, talking about intelligence is just rude. It's comparable with chatting up a cripple about a marathon.