GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN IT THIS GAME IS SO FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD! But its fun, but hard, really hard, even on baby mode its still almost (ALMOST) feels impossible, but with a lot of patience, you can beat the game. That's what I love about the game, its so hard, it reminds you of the NES days, you know when video games where actually CHALLENGING and HARD. And I love how the game doesn't take itself seriously, I mean I downloaded Asagi wars and she's fighting to be the main character? Wow talk about extreme on top of the 4th wall here! Anyway, anyone else played this kick ass game yet?
You know where that joke comes from, right? Asagi was going to be the hero of a NIS game that never came out, and it's been a running gag in the brand for her to cameo in other games and try to steal the spotlight. She also has a different personality every game. Don't have it yet but I WANT IT. BAD. D: Played the first one and loved it.
Wow, never knew that gag before, thanks, I actually would like an Asagi game, with platform/shooting elements like they did in Prinny 2. I will warn you though, if you thought the first Prinny was hard, you haven't seen nothing, Prinny 2 will make you want to almost throw the PSP to a brick wall, you will scream for hours. But its still a great game, are all the Disgia games incredibly hard or is it just the Prinny series thats hard?
Standard Disgaea is hard in a...different way. Where the goal of some games is to discourage level grinding, exploitation, and other forms of game-breaking, Disgaea encourages, almost necessitates it--and rewards it handsomely. For the creative it's a sandbox laden with land-mines, daring the brave to answer its challenge. Its difficulty can be reduced with effort, but first and foremost it requires patience and ingenuity, where the Prinny series calls for dexterity and a quick wit. Between Disgaea's ability to replay levels (and a definite need for it) and Prinny's obscenely generous handful of lives (and, again, a definite need for it), they're both about as ruthless-yet-charitable.
The relationship between NIS games and the fourth wall is akin to that of the Commonwealth and the British monarchy.
Reminds me of Catherine. The game was so insanely hard that Atlus itself announced a patch to make the game easier.
It's Atlus...These guys are responsible for the hardest RPG boss ever. Heck, that same game features a boss that spams insta-kill spells, debuffs you, buffs himself and does shitloads of damage. And there's another boss right after that one. Of and did I mention that the game considers this as one of its easier fights, and that it did not deem it necessary to provide a save point before the fight? Yeah, that's Atlus. An evil, evil corporation.
Hey I've been hearing alot of mixed opinions about the Disgia anime, alot of people are saying its good and alot of people are saying its bad, so guys, I just want to ask, is the anime any good?
Uh Anime wise I'm not sure. Also it's called Disgaea. Game wise... I enjoy it. It's an RPG that makes fun of itself for being an RPG.