And I didn't realize that all dialog with your inner circle ends afterwards... Such a shame I'll have to just romance Cullen all over again start a new save. -Sigh-
I'm a fan of Mass Effect but never had much interest in Dragon Age, science fiction/space fantasy is just more my style. DA:I is so damn pretty tho, makes me want to give it a try
It's really interesting! The game is really pretty, if you have the appropriate hardware... I played on a PS4 so the graphics were pretty good, but there were bugs and glitches here and there. The story is worth it imo, the decisions you make really determine the ending and how issues are resolved after the main story is completed. And the empire you build is pretty extensive when you finish. That's why I was so reluctant to complete it but I was getting bored with my character being an ice mage. I wanted to try the archer class. xD
I have DA:I. Of course, because of some... issues I didn't get very far and haven't touched it since.
Oh yeah I'd play on my PS4, my laptop is okay but I've already overheated it my fair share and I'd rather not take any chances. I always feel bad dropping into a series midway through, even if you don't need to have played the previous games to play Inquisition (different protagonist and everything), but I suppose if I liked Inquisition enough I'd go back and play the others. Either way I probably shouldn't be buying any more games lol
I was frustrated a few times, especially in the Elven temple you have to go through, (I wanted to be a try-hard and do all the rituals) and it took forever... ._. But don't give up! Hmph, I forgot DA:I is part of a series, and honestly the game really just drops you in the middle of a civil war and a rebellion. I was honestly just doing missions blindly because I didn't know the history of Thedas or any of the lore. But after reading a few in-game files I started to get the jist of it.
Ah, I understand. To be fair I haven't played any of the Mass Effect series, and DA:I has been one of my first Bioware purchases. EA led me to purchasing DA:I.
Yeah.. My issue was I had purchased DA:O and DA:2 and played through them to prepare for DA:I, then I get DA:I and I learn I needed the Dragon Age Keep to recreate my save thus making all the hours and money I put into these games utterly pointless. I jump through several hoops to get a Origin account and Microsoft account, but then I find out the email address for my Xbox profile isn't the same as the Origin and Microsoft account, thus making it entirely impossible to import the created data from the Keep to the game and as far as I know there is no way to change it. So now I got a game where that I prepared for weeks in advance to play but learn I have no way of continuing the story. Because Bioware was lazy and didn't want the import function installed in the game itself. Great. Wonderful.
The Dragon Age games have such an awesome lore. I spent an entire summer playing the first two games and had a blast. I have Inquisition, but I just haven't had the time to play it. ;-: