I miss talking to all you people on MSN. So here's a shiny new address for you to add me on. The other one's been taken over for Valenth matters. spetsnaz.systema@hotmail.com
Valenth is the website I moderate on. I'd kind of like keeping you apart from whiny users who complain to me that their pixels got lost in the trade system.
MSN brings people together. If every country took some time out of its day to have a nice chat with each other online, there'd be no war. There'd be a lot more international cyber sex but no war. Make cyber love, not war!
FFFFF Spetsnaz entry exam = being dropped in Siberia with a knife. You have to find your way back to civilization. But hey, Spetsnaz apparently doesn't exist along with the Russian Army. Russian Army is now the Russian Defense Force. Putin is not an idiot. All he's doing is lulling everyone else into a false sense of security.