So Cold

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    How would it feel, to just one day wake up and find yourself in darkness. Not something like night, but for there to be nothing but dark surrounding your body. You try to remember, just what was it that you were doing before you got here? How did you get in this place? All that comes to mind is your last moments at home, and beings of darkness swarming the place. Some people may wake up, full of feelings of despair and sorrow of not knowing where their loved ones are. The unlucky ones wake up with what some can debate to be a sensation for better or for worse. Memories slowly crawl back to them, and they begin to think to themselves "I should be more in shock about this". They should be missing their loved ones. But instead, you feel nothing. This hollow feeling from within. But instead of caring, you just sit there, and drift. Into the darkness. Whether you be doomed to the emotional stress of loneliness, or not being able to care for the tragedy that has occured to you, it is still a curse. Until after so long, you finally see that one crack of light, your way out...


    This is a thread that occurs in the kingdom hearts universe. An alternative to the kingdom hearts story, this one begins around the time when Sora just recieves his keyblade, when the heartless are still taking worlds. This has nothing to do with sora though. This is a story which will develope around the lives of a different group, consisting of both humans and nobodies, as well as the legacy of orginization XIII...


    Setting: After your worlds have been destroyed, you've just escaped from what can only be described as a dark abyss, and are not in a world that you are totally unfamiliar with. You can show up in what ever location you want. If your a nobody, then you don't know how to portal yet since it's because you just became one.
    Upon this world there is a a war currently going on between the humans and nobodies which occupy it.


    Locations (Will be updated as the story developes):

    Hollow Grounds: A world that's slowly being drained of the light within it due to unknown reasons. THe life on it is slowly draining away, and there are few who still are able to thrive off of this dry planet. The world where our heroes first encounter each other


    Civilization: The name given to the city of the desert by the nobodies who have conquered it. Most of the humans have been wiped out, but nobodies still remain, using it as their base. In the center of it all is a giant mall, which is now used as their living quarters. The surrounding buildings are used by them as tools, weapons, and forms of defense if their enemies are to ever attack.

    Desert: The area which surrounds the civilization, and is most devistated by the wasting condition of the planet. All surrounding forms of life have completely wasted away into sand. Unless one is well prepared, the only ones who can truelly survive in this kind of condition is a nobody.

    Wastelands: The area seperating the Desert and the forest. Its been wasted, but not as badly as the desert. Animals which can withstand harsh conditions are known for staying in this area, as well as large numbers of heartless.

    Forest: A location that harbors a great number of heartless, as well as where the humans have backed into due to the nobodies lust for power. This area is the only scource of life left on the entire planet, though as time goes on, it seems that a tree seems to die day by day. Soon, there will be nothing left.

    Village: A village set up in the forest made up by humans. It is very basic, and while some houses are made of metal and modern materials, a lot of the things in the area are made up of natural rescources. It consists of tree houses and sky bridges as well, in case something were to happen to the lower houses. The closest thing to a headquarters is the center of Village. It holds most of the last survivors of the human race on this planet.

    Sides :

    Humans: The humans that remain on the planet, they are the last of their kind. The majority of them try to survive without succumbing to the power hungry nobodies on the planet. They don't have powers, and their magic use is extremely basic. All they want now is to destroy the nobodies and attempt to bring the world back to the way it was. They belive that the nobodies are the scource of the problem.

    Nobodies: Due to the vast population of heartless which has infected the planet, people have been losing their hearts quickly, the strongest of them turning into nobodies. Just about every nobody has joined together now, following under the orders of 1 nobody. Currently, they don't realise that they have no hearts, but they still understand that they feel empty. Under their leader, they believe that if they take control of the planet, the "power" of control will be able to fill that emptiness once again.

    Heartless: The heartless have infested this planet in what is overwhelming masses. Due to their troubles in finding the keyhole, they constantly seem to increase in numbers, slowly consuming the planet.

    The New Comers: That would be our charecters. As explained before, they'll be completely new to the area. Knowledge of heartless, nobodies, and anything keyblade related is totally unknown to them. Some may stay in the group. Some might leave to assist the nobodies or the humans. But those that stay have one main purpose, and that is to find out why they're there and how to find their homes (not knowing about other worlds, they don't realise they are on a different world then their own).



    1. No godmodding/power playing.
    2. Fill out the OC Form completely. Even if you have to stick in a “N/A†(Not applicable) somewhere.
    3. I am dictator deathsight. What I say goes. All who deny thy mighty whim shalst be smitten!
    4. If I havn't seen you rp, then I might have some restrictions on your powers that are temporary. I don't like taking chances. If you rp enouph and show that you can handle it, then I will gladly allow you to have them
    5. Try to make your background fit into the information already given in this RP. I want to see originality!
    6. Your post MUST be a paragraugh at the least. It must have detail, and it must be literate. Grammar mistakes deserve a slap on the wrist, but if I see people who aren't putting a lot more detail in their posts, then I'm gonna give out warnings. I'm very, VERY strict on this rule.
    7. I reserve the right to add more rules as I see fit.



    Name: (if your char is a nobody, then include the original name, and a modified name with an X in it, for later purposes)
    Starting location:
    race: (human or nobody)
    abilities: (humans can use basic magic and weapons magic. Nobodies have their own powers)
    Weapon(s) [If any] :
    Other(optional) :

    Charecter List:

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Mike (later name will be changed to Kexim)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearance: guy/vampiregrrl377/anime202.jpg?o=327
    Starting location: Forest
    Side: The New Comers
    Bio: Not once has he ever lived for himself, but for the people around him. He had a known history for usually getting into fights and being messed up very easily just to protect others. When his world was lost though, all of his friends were turned into heartless, and with no one left to protect, he gave up, turning into a heartless himself as the world was engulfed in darkness. When he woke up though, he woke up in a dark abyss, whilst at a loss for emotions. Until now, where he's ended up
    Personality: He has no respect for himself. For those around them though, he'll do whatever he can, as long as he thinks that they deserve his help. He hates seeing people being abused as well. As for himself though, he's a complete weirdo. He does what he wants, when he wants, and doesn't care about those around him. He usually ends up sticking out, and might do things for attention. Since he is a nobody though, he only does this as an act. Believing he is a freak, he is very shy about admitting that he has no emotions.
    race: Nobody
    abilities: The ability to control all of his bodies features, allowing him to do more things then a normal person would do, such as accessing adrenaline to increase his strength and speed.
    Weapon(s) [If any]: Two twin blades, each half the size of a katana, slightly shorter than a normal sword. They are usually summond beneath the sleeves of his shirt. They are large, and appear to give off a some what blunt appearance, looking as if they are made out of liquid steel instead of normal steel, but unlike their appearance, they are extremely sharp. because of their liquid steel like form, he can manipulate them to change their appearance, though he cannot increase nor decrease their size.
    Other(optional) : At the moment he is very shy about showing any signs of being a nobody. Also, he smokes

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Anna Black (Xanna)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Hair Anime/1128477012_ktopbroken.jpg
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: The New Comers
    Bio: The Heartless came to her world when she was a young kid. As a family, she trained to fight them off and with the city's help they were doing a good job. But they never found out what they were or why they were there. When they were close to finding out their world lost it's light. The keyhole had been found. While her world faded, Hanna continued to fight. Eventually the Heartless were too much. Once she lost her heart she awoke in the darkness, scared and lost. Before long she found herself in a desert, unaware of how she had gotten there.
    Personality: Before losing her heart, was very childish and out going, but also had moments when she just didn't feel like she could keep going on. She became tough and people thought of her as independent thanks to living constantly close to death, but she always realied on the help of friends and family, fearing that she may be left alone. She always had to have a figure to look up to and thought that figure as a protector. Now that she is a nobody, she feels empty and doesn't know why. She can't feel sad now, but not happy either. To cope she's turned to her childish side.
    Race: Nobody
    Abilities: Is able to use her own engery to use to shoot out of her gun instead of actual bullets, however doing so takes a lot of energy if done correctly. She is able to do this by shifting matter around to some exent.
    Weapon(s): A custom made silver gun (I may end up drawing it B|)
    Other: N/A

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Vixtra (is original name)
    Gender: male
    Age: 16
    Appearance: guy/watermellonfuzz/Anime/Anime82.jpg?o=1
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: New comers
    Bio: Unlike most nobodies, his experience wasn’t as dramatic. His world was being taken over, and he simply didn’t care from the start. Already he was mostly emotionless. When the darkness came after him, he let it take over without a fight, and now has turned into what he is. Due to his willingness though, during the attack, his eyes had been gauged by the heartless attacking him. Some what of something that one would refer to as karma. His karma for giving into the darkness, is that the very same thing stole his eye sight…
    Personality: He does not fake that he has no emotions. The exsact opposite of Mike, he is cold to most others unless it catches his interest. Due to his own powers though, he is able to pick up on emotion from others, so he can behave differently at times, depending on what he is picking up. Most would say he is full of mystery, when really he is as plain as they get.
    race: nobody
    abilities: aura. He has the ability to surround his body in an aura like substance which is able to deflect all forms of magical and elemental attack. He can form it as he pleases, but as of the moment, he can only control very little of it. He can use it to form shields, and aura made weapons. These cannot actually cause a person harm, such as bleeding, but if he were to slash someone with per say, an aura sword, then that person would experience the pain of if they were actually slashed with one. It can be deflected with elemental attacks as well, but not physical, which serves as his greatest weakness.
    Weapon(s) [If any]: Twin katana’s. He is able to wield them as if they were as light as a feather.
    Other(optional: His power lets him pick up on the emotions of others. He is cold to them now, but the more he is around them, the more he may be effected. The closer he is to a person, the more he can understand their emotions. In a way, he can feel, but only from those around him, which is a rare occurance.

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Benjamin (Manjexnib)
    Gender: male
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Guys/character_concept_art_by_khanshi-1.jpg
    Starting location: Village
    Side: humans
    Bio: Son of one of the elders of the village. Unlike most of the humans though who only think that their way to survive is constant defense, he pushes on that they should attack the nobodies. He is leader of a squad of their most elite warriors, so he has a lot of credit in the village. His whole life he’s grown up hating nobodies because of what they’ve put him and the members of the village through. So now all he wants is for the death of them all.
    Personality: He is fair and understanding, but can sometimes be a little too emotional. Many might describe him as a romantic, due to his many habits. Poetry, sweetness, etc. He sees the world from a dark point of view though, believing that it is all just going to fall into darkness at some point.
    race: Human
    abilities: (weapon abilitiy):He can form energy around his blades, so that whenever he slashes, it sends a wave of that energy in the same direction.
    Weapon(s) [If any] : On both of his arms are 2 blades, shaped like that of the blades attatched to a scythe. If one were to hold their arms out with the fingernails up, then these blades would be attatched to the side of their arms away from their body, with the ends of the blades extending half a foot farther from their hands
    Other: n/a

    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Toxyn
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: Nobodies
    Bio: A nobody of great power. His origin and past is unknown, but he obviously isn’t normal. Covered in strange markings, he one day arrived in this world when it was still at its healthiest. That was 27 years ago though. He created an uprising of a large number of nobodies which had begun popping up all over the planet after his arrival, as well as heartless. Then after him and his allies were able to take over the mall, now known as Civilization, and ever since he has not been seen. It is rumored that he has been the source of all of this chaos.
    Personality: He can only be described as a mad man. He is impulsive. He has no emotions, and yet in order to replace them, he acts as emotional as possible. He isn’t truly crazy, but he has no problem with acting the part. Killing others is not an issue for him, whether they be ally or not, and the things he say can be as random as the weather.
    race: Nobody
    abilities: Darkness. He can manipulate darkness to its fullest extent In any way he desires
    Weapon(s) [If any]: Two large shields on each arm which end at a sharp point, which are edge with sharpened steel, almost like a shield with the blade of a sword outlining its sides. So while he can use them as shields, he can also use them as blades.

    Username: Dmaster
    Name: Denithan Jones
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Starting location: Village
    Side: Humans
    Bio: The child of one of the elder's through marriage alone, Denithan is Benjamin's half-brother. Unlike his Half-Brother however, he does not share in the hate for nobodies, nor does he believe that defense is the best path in life. He personally believes that while someone is willing t owork with you, they are your ally, however, that belief has removed him from Ben's squad of warriors,however, he is still renowned for being Ben's voice of logic.
    Personality: Like his half-brother, Denithan is fair, and can understand ones reasoning behind things, however, he does not truly show any emotion towards anything. He doesn't have any noticeable habits however, and sees the world as more of a gamble, a place where one with a good enough strategy can decide it's fate.
    race: Human
    abilities: Consumity Flight (Weapon Ability): By sharing the essence of his weapon throughout his body, he is able to relinquish great attacks of the same type with little difficulty.
    Cross-Curse; A blade as black as night, said to posses the soul of demons long-since gone.
    Life's Reign; A weapon left to Den by his real-father, the knife has no special bearing or ability, but is somethign Den treasures and uses in place of the cross-curse.
    Other: N/A

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Charlie Snowe (Exchilar)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: The New Comers
    Bio: His family was turned to nobodies when he was younger and he hid in the forest. He was safe for a while but then the Heartless took control of the forest and found him. He tried to escape, he fought as hard as he could but it wasn't enough. The Heartless had won. His heart was lost forever and he felt alone. No one to comfort him. No one to love him. The next thing he knew, he was in a desert and wondered to the stars why this happened.
    Personality: Before his family turned to nobodies, he was a cheerful and playful little boy. He loved to play jokes and liked to play games with his friends. When his family was turned to nobodies, his whole outlook on the world changed. He thought everybody was against him and he felt alone. When he turned into a nobody, he had no emotions and he thought differently. He thought of hatred, emptiness, and sorrow.
    Race: Nobody
    Abilities: Able to summon and de-summon swords at anytime.
    Controls wind
    Weapon(s): Dual swords
    Others: Sorry, I kinda got an idea from Random Angel... so I would like to apologize.

    Username: Magick
    Name: Kayla Diseo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Starting location: Desert >D Hehe
    Side: Humans.
    Bio: Slightly spoiled by her parents, Kayla never wanted for anything but to belong, until her mother was killed one night mysteriously. Ever since then her father has kept her close, making sure she is right by him, or with someone else he trusts.
    Personality: Slightly sarcastic, cautious of trusting others, she tends to think through any situation she's in before acting further, thouh when she gets angry she acts on impulse.
    race: Human
    abilities: Uses a long stick, one end juts out into a sword by pressing a button. The sword it self is shaped like a syth. The stick is kept in a thigh sheath, in its shortened form. Think Vampire Knight.
    Weapon: Described above.

    Username: ¥Θứ н∂≤€ ₦Θ ₵нΘỉ₵€
    Name: Somebody - Ayamei Nobody - Xiyamae <--Character I'm using.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17

    Except take out the hat, bow and arrow, and change all blue to black and yellow to white. Hair and eyes stay the same.
    Starting location: Desert. Following the trend xD
    Side: The New Comers.
    Bio: She had always resented her father and what had happened to her mother. Though she could not remember, she knew her mother was murdered by her father. Because of the deep hatred she felt, she never asked him for anything directly. She always sent notes and emails to him. One day she was walking to the store only to find herself surprised. Whoever it was, they knew something. But when she awoke, she was all alone. Out in the middle of a desert that was unfamiliar.

    Personality: She's very assertive. Never afraid to fight for what she believes is right. Even if it's wrong. She cannot tell the difference between light and dark due to her missing a heart. She never understands why so many people do not want her around but she sticks around until they like her anyway.

    Race: Nobody, but she doesn't realize it.
    Abilities: She can summon small crawler nobodies when she gets in enough distress. Other than that, she can only swing her keyblade to and fro. Lately a strange feeling has been tingling her fingers but nothing has happened yet.
    Weapon(s): She wields a "hong" keyblade. A completely white keyblade that has no other features except the white. It looks just like the kingdom key but white.
    Other(optional): She will occasionally acquire a new skill but maybe only two or three more. Such as teleportation.

    Username: Asterisk
    Name: Vale = Valex
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: The Newcomers
    Bio: N/A
    Personality: You'll see..
    race: Nobody
    abilities: Controls element of frost. Eyesight can be increased for a time, seeing attacks coming better and things from farther off.
    Weapon(s) [If any] :Summonable Bow and Arrow made of energy gathered from the air around him

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Azura (Zaruxa)
    Gender: male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Sandy blond hair that covers his right eye and the back is an pony tail that stops at his hips, wears black eye liner on his eyes to protect his eyes from the sun, gold eyes but his right eyes is blind so its white, wears black pants, an brown short sleeve jacket with an white shirt underneath, on his arms are gold bracelets thats cost a lot of money,
    Starting location: Desert
    Side: the newcomers
    Bio: His family been rich and royal even though times changed royalty still flowed through his veins. Azura always loved his heritage people had to respect even though his personality was horrible. He always flirted with the maids and rubbed his wealth in front of people's faces without thinking about the outcome. Karma eventually caught up with him because when he was 17 he got kidnapped. Azura made one of them mad and the kidnapper decided to stab his right eye. When his parents paid the kidnappers he got returned home but he wanted the kidnapper to pay by making his right eye damaged beyond repair. With that in mind he decided to pay the same kidnappers to bring all of their friends out to the desert away from the city. Earlier Azura bought a gem that attracted heartless his mind was clouded by revenge he did not think of his own well being. The kidnapper was where he wanted them and he used the gem to attract heartless. It worked Azura laughed as he watched them get their hearts taken away and the heartless disappeared. Afterwards he threw it somewhere but unfortunately one of the victim’s son found the gem and saw what Azura did. 3 years later Azura's attitude and cruelty became worse his parents held hatred towards their own son. Their parents got contacted by a mysterious person that offered them a way to get ride of Azura without getting in trouble. The next day Azura got told to go to his parent’s safe room that had all of their money in it. A kid walked in after his parents opened the door them shut it without saying another word. There Azura noticed the kid had the same gem he used to kill those people. The kid made the heartless appear with it the heartless attacked them both Azura losing his heart in the process. His world was not engulfed by darkness but unfortionately his family and himself was engulfed by darkness. People have seem to forgotten or simply they dont want to be reminded of Azura's cruelty. Now he drifts in the abyss wondering and holding onto the grudge of getting everything taken away from him.
    Personality: selfish, hateful, thinks he is better then everyone, and holds onto grudges
    race: nobody
    abilities: able to create and manipulate sand
    Weapon(s) [If any] : An Scimitar that is made out of hardened sand
    Other(optional): n/a

    User Name: SuggaBaby...nah. *TwilightNight*
    Name: Meylin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Girls/Purple and Pink Hair/94fa.jpg
    Starting location: Village
    Side: Humans
    Bio: N/A (will be revealed throughout the story)
    Personality: A very fluctuating character to meet. Naturally, she has a cheerful, and outgoing demeanor. And can have extreme fun when the time calls for it. However, the facade hides a sad and dark part of her, something that's rarely seen, if ever at all. Everything in the past happening at such tender age left her affected, and for this, she sometimes, if annoyed, or hurt, becomes distant and cold, almost unreasonable to deal with. At times, she has a very hidden short-temper that will only spark if she gets pushed enough to the brink, and will talk back at anyone spitefully if need be. Despite the negatives, she's a very caring person at heart, and would do anything for those precious to her. Collected, witty, and a thinker, she gets serious when it is needed, and tends to focus and concentrate to attempt her best to do what she can. While not the greatest skilled fighter in existence, she is strong-willed, and once determined, she won't give up. While appearances can fool, she is not meek, and will not be pushed around.
    Race: Human
    Abilities: A very apt magic user, but with very minimal properties, as she's most useful in lending an extra hand. She can mimic a person's power, and use the skill for her own benefit three times. But it becomes stagnant and unable to be used again until 24 hours are up. Camouflaging herself to hide is another attribute, and it enables her to blend in with anything. When in this form, she cannot be smelled, detected, and sensed by any electronic devices unless she reveals herself. She uses her energy to heal as well, which includes any matter that is negative and has dark magic. The most offensive attack she has is concentrating an amount of energy and firing, sometimes mixing in with her weaponry. Due to the war ridden areas, and the power of Nobodies, she's also been trained in a number of martial arts for the sake of defending herself or others if need be. Not entirely skilled, but potential is there.
    Weapon: Giant shuriken
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Anna Black (Xanna)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Hair Anime/1128477012_ktopbroken.jpg
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: The New Comers
    Bio: The Heartless came to her world when she was a young kid. As a family, she trained to fight them off and with the city's help they were doing a good job. But they never found out what they were or why they were there. When they were close to finding out their world lost it's light. The keyhole had been found. While her world faded, Hanna continued to fight. Eventually the Heartless were too much. Once she lost her heart she awoke in the darkness, scared and lost. Before long she found herself in a desert, unaware of how she had gotten there.
    Personality: Before losing her heart, was very childish and out going, but also had moments when she just didn't feel like she could keep going on. She became tough and people thought of her as independent thanks to living constantly close to death, but she always realied on the help of friends and family, fearing that she may be left alone. She always had to have a figure to look up to and thought that figure as a protector. Now that she is a nobody, she feels empty and doesn't know why. She can't feel sad now, but not happy either. To cope she's turned to her childish side.
    Race: Nobody
    Abilities: Transformation
    Weapon(s): A custom made silver gun (I may end up drawing it B|)
    Other: N/A
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Angel, you are accepted.

    As for you temari, I'm afraid I cannot accept you unless you edit your history. It doesn't seem to really fit the story. And as for the force field, you can gain use of it later, but only once I have approved of it. I want to see your rping skills first since I've never seen you rp before. If I think I can trust you with a force field, then I'll let you have it as a power))
  4. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    ((OK, but because I can't think of anything without copying from Random Angel's post, I think I'm gonna quit this RP. I guess I'm not cut out for it. I will erase the BIO post. I hope this RP will be successful. Warm regards~AndrewTemari101 ))
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((That's a shame. Well, if you do think of something, then you can still always apply))
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Name: (if your char is a nobody, then include the original name, and a modified name with an X in it, for later purposes) LitaDreams
    Starting location:Village
    Side:The New Comers
    Bio: When he world was lost she lost her memory along with her friend who came with her.The only thing she rembers is that he can control water, fire, and healing magic
    Personality:kind careing
    race: (human or nobody) human
    abilities: (humans can use basic magic and weapons magic. Nobodies have their own powers) can control water fire and healing magic
    Weapon(s) [If any] :
    Other(optional) :
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((not accepted. please read the rules))
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Charlie Snowe (Exchilar)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Apperance: anime boy/karina12931/5.jpg?o=8
    Starting location: Civilization
    Side: The New Comers
    Bio: His family was turned to nobodies when he was younger and he hid in the forest. He was safe for a while but then the Heartless took control of the forest and found him. He tried to escape, he fought as hard as he could but it wasn't enough. The Heartless had won. His heart was lost forever and he felt alone. No one to comfort him. No one to love him. The next thing he knew, he was in a desert and wondered to the stars why this happened.
    Personality: Before his family turned to nobodies, he was a cheerful and playful little boy. He loved to play jokes and liked to play games with his friends. When his family was turned to nobodies, his whole outlook on the world changed. He thought everybody was against him and he felt alone. When he turned into a nobody, he had no emotions and he thought differently. He thought of hatred, emptiness, and sorrow.
    Race: Nobody
    Abilities: Able to summon and de-summon swords at anytime.
    Controls wind
    Weapon(s): Dual swords
    Apperance: swords/Kankuro13/Dualswords.jpg?o=17
    Others: Sorry, I kinda got an idea from Random Angel... so I would like to apologize.
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((It's accepted. I think the bio is just fine ^_^))
  10. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    ((Thanks so much!! I'll try my best!! Also, how many more people until we start?? Kinda curious...^^;))
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((2 more left. then we can start))
  12. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Username: TheDeadGuy
    Name: Heartless Antlion
    Gender: N/A (Do Heartless need Genders?)
    Age: N/A
    Starting Location: Desert
    Side: "None"
    Bio: Came from the Darkness of 5000 hearts made the Heartless Antlion, a Large Heartless contended on destroying every single living people including heartless and nobodies to the death.
    Personality: Mad with Rage
    Race: Heartless
    Abilities: Slow Homing Missiles: shoots homing missiles out of his mouth although slow there are many.
    Jumping Jaws: Bury himself into the sand then leap out and tries to kill with jaws alone
    Weapons: Sharp Gears: at its side there are many large gears that let the Antlion move through sand with ease, watch out though those gears are sharp.
    Other: Unfortunately or should I say fortunately he can't leave the desert, mainly because he doesn't have any legs attached and cannot go through dirt either which makes him a vulnerable targets when in different areas. Can't swim either.
    (Wait can we be heartless?)
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((I'm gonna have to give your bio some thought... I some what like the idea of it actually, but it just seems so.... I'll have a response by tommorow.

    Though the 1 mile radius thing isn't going to work. Thats just a little too much space. make it smaller please))
  14. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'll make it Half a Mile then and the Tornado cannot lift anything over 500 pounds and throw it around. Also can we have a New Character if "My" Antlion gets Killed with Permission? :D
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Azura (Zaruxa)
    Gender: male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Sandy blond hair that covers his right eye and the back is an pony tail that stops at his hips, wears black eye liner on his eyes to protect his eyes from the sun, gold eyes but his right eyes is blind so its white, wears black pants, an brown short sleeve jacket with an white shirt underneath, on his arms are gold bracelets thats cost a lot of money,
    Starting location: Desert
    Side: the newcomers
    Bio: His family been rich and royal even though times changed royalty still flowed through his veins. Azura always loved his heritage people had to respect even though his personality was horrible. He always flirted with the maids and rubbed his wealth in front of people's faces without thinking about the outcome. Karma eventually caught up with him because when he was 17 he got kidnapped. Azura made one of them mad and the kidnapper decided to stab his right eye. When his parents paid the kidnappers he got returned home but he wanted the kidnapper to pay by making his right eye damaged beyond repair. With that in mind he decided to pay the same kidnappers to bring all of their friends out to the desert away from the city. Earlier Azura bought a gem that attracted heartless his mind was clouded by revenge he did not think of his own well being. The kidnapper was where he wanted them and he used the gem to attract heartless. It worked Azura laughed as he watched them get their hearts taken away and the heartless disappeared. Afterwards he threw it somewhere but unfortunately one of the victim’s son found the gem and saw what Azura did. 3 years later Azura's attitude and cruelty became worse his parents held hatred towards their own son. Their parents got contacted by a mysterious person that offered them a way to get ride of Azura without getting in trouble. The next day Azura got told to go to his parent’s safe room that had all of their money in it. A kid walked in after his parents opened the door them shut it without saying another word. There Azura noticed the kid had the same gem he used to kill those people. The kid made the heartless appear with it the heartless attacked them both Azura losing his heart in the process. His world was not engulfed by darkness but unfortionately his family and himself was engulfed by darkness. People have seem to forgotten or simply they dont want to be reminded of Azura's cruelty. Now he drifts in the abyss wondering and holding onto the grudge of getting everything taken away from him.
    Personality: selfish, hateful, thinks he is better then everyone, and holds onto grudges
    race: nobody
    abilities: able to create and manipulate sand
    Weapon(s) [If any] : An Scimitar that is made out of hardened sand
    Other(optional) : N/A
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((You can have as many charecters as you like as long as it is reasonable. My advise to you though would be to ditch the tornado and to get a different power. I'll accept it if the rnage is shorter then that, but there are a lot of people that're gonna be able to be able to get by that, I'm sure.

    Dex, I'll accept you if you edit your bio to fit the rules. Its a great bio. I just have to make sure you read the rules is all.

    And sorry for the late start. I've been really busy lately...))
  17. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Username: Magick
    Name: Kayla Diseo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Starting location: Desert >D Hehe
    Side: Humans.
    Bio: Slightly spoiled by her parents, Kayla never wanted for anything but to belong, until her mother was killed one night mysteriously. Ever since then her father has kept her close, making sure she is right by him, or with someone else he trusts.
    Personality: Slightly sarcastic, cautious of trusting others, she tends to think through any situation she's in before acting further, thouh when she gets angry she acts on impulse.
    race: Human
    abilities: Uses a long stick, one end juts out into a sword by pressing a button. The sword it self is shaped like a syth. The stick is kept in a thigh sheath, in its shortened form. Think Vampire Knight.
    Weapon: Described above.
  18. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    then can I use the "Aero" Effect? (New Ability?: unenables Aerial Recovery and Glide when using the Tornado)
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((I don't think so. Its a heartless man. Just give it heartless abilities is all. Yours seem more magic based, which is somethen a human would use. ya know?

    and your accepted magi))
  20. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    If you seen Kingdom Hearts 358/ 2 days then you would know XD (Antlion Heartless Boss at Agrabah! :D)
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