I'm putting this here because it's more of something that makes me chuckle then bugs me. So on Saturday I was at a con with some friends and while walking around with one of them and guy comes up to us and asks us for a hug, (best was to describe him is a fat nerd) being nice and something that happens a lot at cons I go to we both give him one and then he turns to me and say 'Are you a girl?' Because I was cosplay Link and it was hard to tell if I had a rack or was a big guy (Since I have a masculine face thanks to my dad) so I tell him I am to which he replies 'Oh I'm looking for a girlfriend' my friend says she not looking for anyone and I tell him I'm a lesbian (which I am) and right away he says 'I knew you would say that' I look at him as if to say The f**k? then tell him I have male friends that I hug.... So apparently I can't hugs guys because I'm a lesbian? .... lol wut?
Maybe he thought you just told him that so he wouldn't ask you out? It sounds like that to me, personally.
Yeah, that's sometimes my typical con story. I remember being asked if I was Asian and the guy took immediate stalker-ish interest in me. In those situations, you just have to let it pass and tell a staffer. It may seem awkward and offensive, but you'd be surprise by the amount of people that do ask and say stuff like that at cons, especially toward female cosplayers and whatnot. Like I tell them that I am not currently interested or lie and say I have a boyfriend and they become turned off or whatever. Like lol, just because I'm in cosplay of your favorite character or whatever doesn't mean I'll instantly be your friend/girlfriend. Although it was a good thing you had a friend there, because sometimes I get stuck alone while my guy friends are off to another panel and then suddenly I'm approached. But overall, yeah, people just assume and judge and most times we really can't change that. It's something I hope will disappear in the future, but with cosplay being a tricky subject nowadays (*coughHeroesofCosplaycough*), it's something that will take a long time to fix.
Indeed. And I don't mean she just told him that (I actually believe she's lesbian like she says), but a lot of guys get butthurt like this.
Yup, two of my female friends did their best too keep away from him because he hit on a lot of girls there so I was told
Yeah, I've heard of a guy who'd ask (mainly female) cosplayers for a hug, who had a quasi-hidden camera (it was in view, but I believe it was a fairly new, high-tech model that less tech savvy people might not recognize as a camera), aimed the camera at approximately cleavage level and filmed bunch of girls without consent. So no wonder I've been weary about returning to the cosplay world...
Lucky he didn't have anything like that on him and sometimes it was really hard to tell if I was a guy or a girl because of how big I am, for all he knew I could have been another fat guy with moobs (My cosplay was kind of baggy so my rack was hard to see lol)
It's that sort of thing that makes me reluctant to go to cons alone, and reluctant to cosplay anyone with any sort of skin showing (because let me tell you I would love to do a Fang cosplay).
Thread over. Mystery solved.[DOUBLEPOST=1380048533][/DOUBLEPOST] I want to crack the wise, but we're in public :X