SOTW´s entry due to the obivious character name. Leave your CnC here, kthnx~. Oh yes, no ratings and actual comments, thank you <3.
Oh shoot, that is awesome. It's a little too bright for me, though, and I find the red glow on his neck distracting. Otherwise, it works really well. Good luck for SOtW. 9/10
It looks good from my point of view really, I like the shades and hues in it, but the only thing it should have is be a little less dim. Other than that, it's good.
A bit too bright for my taste and the effects could be a less transparent in the background. Also, the paint splatter effect you did could have more to it that you have currently. Not bad, but I think it could be better. 8/10
And now you've payed the price. Good flow and color blending. I love the effects. But yes maybe a tad too bright. =/. noratingbecausethatsgay.
The First one really catches my attention ^^ But the second one is Okay but it annoys me a bit i think theres a bit too much but over then that theya re both EPIC 8D :3
I like this... I think one thing you absolutely need to add is depth. The stock is the only thing with it, and it doesn't have much. The BG needs it, and it needs a lot more foreground. Do something about the smudge to the right of the stock, as well. It seems sort of random... could be blended more. It's nice, though. Good jawb.