Posting this 'cause the other thread apparently got deleted. :L Anyway, all I have to say is this: it was a ****ing masterpiece. One of the best modern movies I've seen. Anyone who hasn't seen it ought to rent it immediately. Or better yet, buy it. It's that good. Discuss.
One of the few good movies that have better plots and acting than just special effects. Recommended for anyone. Hell, the priest at my church even recommended it.
I have to say, for a Hollywood-style movie, it was very well done and filmed. I have a few problems, though. First of all, the romanticized-Indian-themed movie does not work. I have a few friends who are Pakistani and Indian and they agree that Hollywood has killed a perspective of how life over there really is. While it has some good points about the poverty levels and poor living conditions, it makes the whole thing seem like a joke with the kid falling in love, saving the girl and him winning the 20,000,000 ruby's. I mean, not that I think a tragedy would have been more ideal (which in a way, it would have been for dramatic effect), but the method of the movie was different than how I expected it for that group of people. Though I loved the mood. The mood the movie set, the characters, everything.
It's about a young Indian man who enters into the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when he gets further and further into the game, it becomes obvious he's going to win the full sum of money. So he's taken during one of the breaks and tortured on suspicion of cheating. The whole movie (essentially) is flashbacks to his past of moments when he learned all the things he learned to win that one game of WWTBAM, and to be fully reunited with a young Indian woman he's in love with. o; It's like two and a half hours. Very lengthy, but good.
i went to see it and it was so funny because the eldest brother looks like one of the people with us and we took the piss out of him.