Wow you're really good at drawing :3 I love the detail that you put into this and the shading/coloring. Very well done.
your shading and coloring are great the only thing that kinda bugs me is that that pose looks too stiff
thanks a lot of people have said that a few times about my drawings in the past. Any idea how to fix it?
Looks pretty good. Work on the pose. Some of the limbs look awkwardly placed. Also, her neck and face look tiny, while her bangs take too much of the head. Everything else is fine. For posture, look up a few photos of real people doing those poses for reference, and always try to keep a realistic anatomic structure.
^ This but anything works for reference material depending on your needs. It can be another drawing if you intend on drawing in the same style or if you like a certain element of it. On a slightly different note, you need to give a feel for movement in works like this and posing images will not really give that to you because they are purposefully static and do not portray the same thing. To create the illusion of capturing movement you need to analyze images that simulate movement. I'm sure you know some of that, but it just stands as a reminder since this is a moving shot you have here.
I seriously enjoy the colours. Her head looks to small for her head. Ans she looks seriously stiff. She looks like she's falling over. I'm not sure on how to help you with her stiffness, you should try adding some lyke.. more life into her legs or something. /8