I have "Restless legs Syndrome". Basically, I get minor or major legs spasms when I am trying to sleep or when I am relaxing, and feel a tickling, crawling or scratching sensation on my legs(oddly enough). Thought I should share, I don't know why.
I only get the feeling of things crawling on me when im covered up, relaxing, the room room is hot, but the worst i've had is a slight insomnia, where i stayed up all day, all night, and all day again, until i passed out around 8 or 9 PM o3o
I get restless during the night, so I guess you could say it's insomnia. To relieve it I'll usually listen to Binaural ASMR vids on youtube. It'll keep my mind calm from racing thoughts, which is probs the case why I can't sleep. /pointless sharing as well :'D
I wouldn't call it "Insomnia", but I sometimes cannot sleep, I end up just playing video games and pass out, and wake up the next morning thinking where the hell I am.
I've got some kind of insomnia, I have to pretty much overstimulate myself to the point of exhaustion to be able to fall asleep. Unfortunately sometimes I don't succeed until about six AM, two hours before I need to be at school/work xP I'm also fairly sure I sleep walk occasionally. I've woken up and found unplugged electronics, lights on that shouldn't be, blinds opened when they definitely were closed at bedtime, alarm clocks turned off/onto random times. The weirdest one however was when I woke up on the floor, with every single electronic item unplugged and put into my bag, the blinds open, and my top off. I'm really worried about which order that happened in.