........this movie had no point behind it. I mean, if you want sterotypical aliens, look no more. I mean come on, there really was no point to this. Aliens come and take all of the humans, they take brains, yes I did say brains, and the human species basically dies out. I mean, what the heck. They didn't even tell you why they were really there. Not too mention, those are probably the most overpowered aliens I have ever seen. I mean, even the aliens in Independence Day were defensless without their force fields, and yet these guys, ohoho, they can get bombed by a nuke and just completely reverse ALL OF THE DAMAGE DONE BY IT!!! Not too mention....the ending....that ending.....you can't just.....why did they.......please take it from here Nostalgia Critic. [video=youtube;vZkcoB7RiMg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZkcoB7RiMg&list=PLA6BF934D1F434EAC&index=12&feature=plpp_video[/video]
Had a pretty bad storyline, but the action scenes and special effects were pretty damn good. I quite enjoyed the movie to be honest, and it DID have a point to it.
Please, by all means, tell me the point to it. Because I don't understand it at all....and I understood Battle: Lod Angeles better. But yeah, it was pretty good with the action scenes and special effects. In fact, I give them a big thumbs up for those effects, and that manager had one heck of an ending. Pointless death, but cool nonetheless. Unlike the guy who we thought would last till the end but ends up surviving being crushed only to be pull in through a alien's....hand?
The point was that it shows humanity's desperate struggle, but that Spoiler despite all the death, destriction and inevitable end two humans can still stick together and care for one another.
....yeah so what was the real point behind it? I don't really think so, but if that's what you think. I don't think even if you say that though, I'll think it. I just didn't see it. Looks more to me like you can't run from death....oh and you shouldn't head towards the light till you're actually dead. Otherwise you might end up somewhere you don't want to be
It was made to introduce a series. I always thought of it as ending like a video game begins. There wasn't much plot to it, but I did like the aliens. I disagree with what you said, it was difficult to tell the aliens from their machines. They were not stereotypical at all, in my opinion.
I think that's zombies you're thinking of :P They weren't really that stereotypical..i mean what IS the stereotypical alien these days? I've seen movies and shows that have aliens destroying the earth, and aliens wanting peace, and aliens just trying to save their home....these ones seemed more like rabid beasts than anything lol