Sky is Over

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Nov 24, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ****At the bottem there will be an update area to tell just what is going on****

    ~~~~~Before you read, take note that this thread's credit goes to kitty (hellkitten), so she is in charge as well. SO bow to her bishes :P~~~~~~

    The night was heavy with mist. The forest was deathly silent. The kind of silence that made you look around and want to run. A small area of rocks, about ten feet wide and eleven feet of width, they were in an odd shape, rocks around made an out circle, and two triangles crossed over each other, residue of ashes lay peacefully where both triangles crossed. A slow gust of wind blew through the already cold forest, and the earth below the formation of rocks steadily started to move, as the silence seemed to start to squeak. Small pale tips started to appear from under the earth. As they slowly dug themselves out it appeared to be a hand, very pale. Almost enough that you could see the bone structures.
    "About time..." A voice wheezed, suddenly coming out of the soil was the upper half of a body. Heavy breathing came from the body. It was a person.

    A small while away, a teenager was writing with a feather, candlelight lighting his way; he was writing on a small piece of parchemtn:
    "Friends are like stars,
    They are there even though you may not see them." The paper read, the teen smiled as he wrote, but stopped, looking up. He suddenly covered his ears, whining quietly.
    "I want to die..." He suddenly said through his teeth, his eyes shut tightly.
    "I want to die..."
    "I want to die..."
    "I want to die...!" He cried out, and fell to the ground, at the same time spilling his utensils that he used for his artwork. He grabbed a sharp tool, knife most likely, and with a swift movement used it against his own being on his wrists.

    "Torak! Son! Torak!" A voice cry, and in came charging the father, he flung open the door to see his son sprawled out on the floor. Dead. The father fell to his knees, gripping his own face with his hands, crying silently, "What have I done? I was just trying to help us get your mother back, Torak...I'm sorry...I'm sorry... I didn't think this would be the result...Killing our sanity..." He bemoaned to himself and his dead son. He grabbed the knife that was lying under his son's hand.


    So basicly, this is whats up. It is around the middle ages, and people have been entering into the dark ages of the world. During this time, many races exsist, some wildly known, while others are very secretive, and not even heard of yet.
    Now, though people are so distant from each other, everyone has something in common though, and that is the use of magic. Magic is more so a gift then a natural talent. Very few are able to use it, and they are only able to use it if they are ‘chosen’. Those who are chosen are known as God’s children, born with a jewel embedded within their back right hand. Originally, a person can use many forms of magic, but as they age, their magic will soon begin to form into a magic which goes along with their personality, and their inner selves.

    On the other hand though, there are those who are feared. They are not given a name, they are simply not acknowledged by others. For in the bitter battle of good and evil, when good is given an advantage, evil bites back. IT is a simple exchange really, one so easy that it is pivotal. It is simple. An exchange of the soul, as well as an exchange of ones own pleasure. One must simply give their soul to a demon through means of a demonic ritual, and in return, they shall be scarred with a tattoo like structure, given through means of a burn, and in doing so, the greater the mark, the greater the gift.

    The rest will be explained in the first few posts, as well as a clearer understanding of the storyline…

    rules: -No power playing
    -No killing characters without premission
    -If you get hurt then stay hurt, healers are rare and even they remain hurt, they only heal the wounds not the pain
    -If you want to make up a new species or have it as unknown ask me first.
    -Keep the romance pg 13
    -no yaoi/yuri


    power scourece: (does he/she recieve their powers from an angel of heaven or a demon of hell basicly)
    played by:

    charecter list:

    Weapon:Manic relies on instinct when attacking, which most of the time, makes his attacks unpredictable. He has a sword as a weapon and also travels around with a harrier, who helps him in fights and take down game.
    Personality:Quiet, manic(of course), sneaky, smart
    Appearance:Tosseled, brown hair, sharp hazel-almost red eyes, pale skin. He wears scratchy clothes that he made for himself, and well, of course they are bad, since it is the middle ages, he has a red short sleeve shirt and tan, loose pants, which are made of wool, his shoes are as all peasants would have, simple leather boots.
    Abilities:The mind. He is able to force someone to become so self-corrupted inside they will want to or in some cases, do, commit suicide. He rarely does this, let alone at all. He had only tried it once when he was first created.
    Strengths:Demon from Hell of course
    Played by:HellKitten

    Name: Grim
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Race: Homunculi
    Weapon: He has special gauntlets that he uses, which are oddly shaped whenever he clenches his fists, as a type of metallic material spreads around his front fists.
    Personality: He is emotionless. Though he may sometimes to appear to be emotional, it is usually an act that he puts on. Though sometimes he does things which are odd for someone of his race, he still does them for reasons unknown. He is barely seen, does not open up to too many people, and has an obsession with revenge. One can never tell what he is thinking because of the cold expressions that he has when he is not pretending to have emotions. In the end, he can be pretty hard to figure out, and it is rare for him to show kindness towards others
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: He holds the power of darkness within him. His powers are still sealed though and highly uncontrollable. extremely unpredictable
    power scource: unknown
    played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Rick
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Race: Homunculi
    Weapon: Judgement. A sword famous amongst most swords, said to be one of the holy treasures of the church. A sword of holy powers, said to be able to extinguish any demon
    Personality: Nonexsistant. He holds no feelings at all, and only follows the orders which the church hands down to him.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: The power of light. He is able to bend it at his will, using it to his advantage. Though, just like many other hommunculi’s, he is still only beginning to develop his abilities.
    power scourece: unknown
    played by: Deathsight44

    Bio: Hangs out in the middle of woods in a bed of irises next to a stream reading most of the time because of that she smells like irises all the time.
    Name: Kaori
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Nymph
    Weapon: None
    Personality: As a nymph she doesn't see people very often and is very very quiet, Kaori seems to never talk and when she does it's in a soft voice. She doesn't like evil or ugliness, she tries to avoid conflict and flees if challenged, unless it is very important. She's very charming, graceful and intelligent.
    Abilities: Her magic (blind, confuse, anything earth related)
    Powersource: Angel
    Played by: kairigirl22

    Bio: He's a traveler, rarely staying in one place for long. He used to hunt down those with magical potential but stopped for personal reasons, wanting to make up for what he did.
    Name: Angelus(Known as Angel)
    Age: Looks 20.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Descendant of an ancient winged race.
    Weapon: Longsword
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor. Angel is naturally a nice person and very well mannered until he loses his temper.
    Appearance: Dresses completely black and usually wears a hood. He's about 6 feet tall has dark brown hair and golden eyes.
    Other: He knows he magic abilities and doesn't care much about when or when not use them.
    Abilities: Can absorb and redirect other magical abilities.
    Power Source: Angel
    Played By: Starkiller

    Bio: His is searching for shu, who destroyed their home town.
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Race: Samurai decendant
    Weapon: Cutom samurai sword
    Personality: Quiet
    Abilites: Super jump
    Power Source: An angel
    Other: He is a master swords man
    played by: Riku1186

    Bio: He destroyed his home town and every town he has come across.
    Name: Shu
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Race: Unknown
    Weapon: Dark magic, Dark sword
    Personality: Quiet
    Abilites: Dark slash, dark hole, explosion
    Power source: Demon
    Other: He dosen't beleive people are worthy of living.
    played by:Riku1186

    Bio: Allen was raised by his father to be a knight, but in a fierce battle his father and his comrades where killed. Allen went out to finish what his father couldn't.
    Name: Allen Styker
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Race: human
    Weapon: A custom broadsword
    Personality: nice and appears a bit doppy but is more serious and aggressive when in battle.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: n/a
    Abilities: can imbune dragonic fire onto his sword and breath fire.
    power scourece: an angel
    played by: Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Russle
    Age: 25
    Gender: male
    Race: Human
    Weapon: He carries a long spear with a curved blade at the edge of it. Though it does not appear to do much damage, it is made of a special metallic alloy which absorbs all moisture that comes near it
    Personality: Very buissness like, never beats around the bush, tends to be straight forward. No better then a Hommunculi some might say, since he can be just as cold hearted. He tends to show more compassion then their kind atleast. He always makes sure that the job is done, and nothing else at all, to prevent casualties and unnescasary accidents
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: none if you do not his exceptional battle skills
    power scourece: none
    played by: deathsight44

    Bio: She was on the verge of dying when an unknown group of people found her and saved her life, the only problem was that her memories were mostly earsed and she had to stay witht he group of people. Due to an attack on the base she was able to get away from the group but is now lost in the world, wondering around and hoping to find someone to help her. It's been years since her operation and she has no idea how old she is now...(When she visits her home town her best friends are old...But I'm saving that for later in the rp)
    Name: Kimmy
    Age: She looks 14
    Gender: Female
    Race: Hybird. Orginally a mimic (the rare race) but fused with robotic parts so you can call her a cybrog of sorts
    Weapon: Her transformations
    Personality: Kind to all and out going but doesn't know much of the ways of the current age
    Appearance: (I drew this myself so plz don't steal it!)
    Abilities: Transformation and few mimic powers (She lost a lot of her mimic powers though)
    power scourece: Angel of heaven
    played by: Random Angel

    Bio: A travler who loves to see the sights of strange places and doesn't feel bond to the ways of reiligon or to the world. She perfers to be a loner and doesn't like many people but appects help if it is no other choice.
    Name: Terra
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Animal girl
    Weapon: Bow and arrows, staff
    Personality: Shy but hyper
    Appearance: (I also drew this so plz no stealing)
    Abilities: Controls fire and some other weak spells
    power scourece: Angel from heaven
    played by: Random Angel

    Bio: Her past is a blank to her mostly, but her powers are known to get the best of her at times, making her kill her friends and family. She feld from her home and sought out a place to call home. But being rejected from place after place turned her heart dark. Now she only cares for herself and shall kill anyone who bothers her. That is all that is known. She is also wanted from all of the places she's been due to the fact she killed the people there after they rejected her, even burned a few villages down.
    Name: Lynn
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mimic and part demon (a demon soul lives within her)
    Weapon: Unheard angony as her daggar (in this pic: and her sword
    Personality: Cold and hates other races and people who have it good
    Appearance: Beast form (the one she uses most often at least) Amine/Animals/darkcreature.jpg and normal form (minus blind fold and wings though she can grow black wings at times)
    Abilities: Transformation and dark powers.
    power scourece: Demon from hell
    played by: Random Angel

    Job, create chaos and death. Someone gotta do it. he's lived for a long
    time and are one of the few demon that walk/fly/run/jump around on earth.


    Age: (the devil knows, I'm serious he dose)


    Race: Demon

    Weapon: 4 daggers and his horns

    Personality:The craziest person you'll meet in this rp. Well that he and likes blood. loots of it.

    Abilities: Demonic magic, Possession of weak souls.

    power source:He is a demon so hell it is!!

    played by:Varnor

    Bio: From the age of 18 Rakion had been enlisted in his father's assassination business. He now travels the land finding those on his list and assassinates themAlong with this duty however his father gave him a power of fire saying "This will scorch all those who oppose you." and also gave him a sword passed down through generations containing a powerful demon. When away from battle the demon walks beside him but when it is time to fight it transforms back into a sword. The sword's name is "Tortured Soul"
    Name: Rakion Lismus
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half- Demon due to his mother being human.
    Weapon: Tortured Soul a broadsword that contains a demon's soul inside.
    Personality: Very cold-hearted and unforgiving his only real friend is the demon in his sword.

    (picture of his sword when in its alive form)[​IMG]
    Abilities: Control over fire and can coat his weapon in fire.
    power source: His father a demon warlord.
    played by: Barakon-King

    Bio: He is a demon was sealed in a sword by a priest to stop his massacres. He had been passed down through the Lismus generation each one either becoming rich and powerful masters of war or dying from misuse of the blade.
    Name: Amnatu Ramor
    Age: 434(trapped at 27)
    Race: Full Demon
    Weapon: He has non for he is one.
    Personality: He is a very nonchalant and non serious person he's either always cracking jokes even on dark subjects such as death or helping Rakion kill someone.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: When in alive form he can manipulate lightning.
    Power Source: Demon
    played by: Barakon-King

    Bio: He has always wanted to be a Werewolf his whole life. Not a Demon Werewolf: a Holy Werewolf. So he could protect his Friends and Family from the Demons that attacked there Town. But one day when he came back from the Woods he saw the whole Town was on Fire, Demons were attacking Women and there Children. He ran to his House, his parents were lay there. Dead. His Mother moved and took off her Cross necklace and gave it to him. "May......God watch" He than finally lefted him. He went out into a Rage. She went outside and looked at the Moon and Shouted at it. "My did this happen! My did this happen....why....WHY!" His Cross glowed and the Light shaded around him. he felt his body transforming and bending, he passed out. He woke up and out himself a Werewolf. A White Werewolf! He looked at his Right hand and turned it over. His Mother's Cross was embedded in his Hand. Go Now, Jordan! And take revenge on the Demons for what they have done to your Town. Go Now, Holy Werewolf. He ran off into the Woods.
    Name: Jordan Rain
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Race: Werewolf
    Weapon: Moon's Revenge. A Curved Blade with a Moon Embedded on it
    Personality: He likes to keep Personal things to Himself. Other than that hes an okay Guy.
    Human: [​IMG]
    Werewolf: [​IMG]
    Abilities: Able to control Light Mixed Elements (LightWater, LightFire,ect,)
    power scourece: From an Angel of Heaven
    played by: Akua WaterDragonKing

    Weapon:expression (evil looking orb in hand)
    Personality: he is always angry at someone, protective, and relentless
    Abilities:he is able to transform raw emotions into a tangible material through his expression. He is literally able to make anything with this expressed emotion.
    power scourece:nearby people's emotions of anger aggresion and judgement
    Bio: Born of the people's emotions of anger, aggreasion, and judgement, Revenge was born into this world to perform his namesake. Who he takes revenge on and in intensity ranges greatly. He could tourture a murderer or simply trip a mean spirited child. Everything he does is to protect the innocent and fulfill his purpose.
    played by:legion

    Current events:
    At the moment, in the kingdom, there is a treasure hunt which will be occuring at midnight. People are being asked to join in if they have powers, and are being offered a huge reward of 10,000,000 gold. It is suggested that those that can join in
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    This good?

    Bio: He's a traveler, rarely staying in one place for long. He used to hunt down those with magical potential but stopped for personal reasons, wanting to make up for what he did.
    Name: Angelus(Known as Angel)
    Age: Looks 20.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Descendant of an ancient winged race.
    Weapon: Longsword
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor. Angel is naturally a nice person and very well mannered until he loses his temper.
    Appearance: Dresses completely black and usually wears a hood. He's about 6 feet tall has dark brown hair and golden eyes.
    Other: He knows he magic abilities and doesn't care much about when or when not use them.
    Played By: Starkiller
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Sry, I just changed the bio a lil since i wasnt thinken when I posted it. Sry to trouble u but can U add the two things I just added? :sweatdrop: after u do that though then the bio is accepted of course ^_^ ))
  4. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Can I have my second character Race Unknown and use magic, I will edit if not allowed.
    Bio: His is searching for shu, who destroyed their home town.
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Race: Samurai decendant
    Weapon: Cutom samurai sword
    Personality: Quiet
    Abilites: Super jump
    Power Source: An angel
    Other: He is a master swords man
    played by: Riku1186

    Bio: He destroyed his home town and every town he has come across.
    Name: Shu
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Race: Unknown
    Weapon: Dark magic, Dark sword
    Personality: Quiet
    Abilites: Dark slash, dark hole, explosion, Mass area dark death blast
    Power source: Demon
    Other: He dosen't beleive people are worthy of living.
    played by:Riku1186

    Attached Files:

  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Bio: Allen was raised by his father to be a knight, but in a fierce battle his father and his comrades where killed. Allen went out to finish what his father couldn't.
    Name: Allen Styker
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Race: human
    Weapon: A custom broadsword
    Personality: nice and appears a bit doppy but is more serious and aggressive when in battle.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: n/a
    Abilities: can imbune dragonic fire onto his sword and breath fire.
    power scourece: an angel
    played by: Fayt-Harkwind
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Bio: He's a traveler, rarely staying in one place for long. He used to hunt down those with magical potential but stopped for personal reasons, wanting to make up for what he did.
    Name: Angelus(Known as Angel)
    Age: Looks 20.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Descendant of an ancient winged race.
    Weapon: Longsword
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor. Angel is naturally a nice person and very well mannered until he loses his temper.
    Appearance: Dresses completely black and usually wears a hood. He's about 6 feet tall has dark brown hair and golden eyes.
    Other: He knows he magic abilities and doesn't care much about when or when not use them.
    Abilities: Can absorb and redirect other magical abilities.
    Power Source: Angel
    Played By: Starkiller
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: all 3 are accepted :) we can get started 2morow, alrite
  8. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Here's mine...

    Bio: Hangs out in the middle of woods in a bed of irises next to a stream reading most of the time because of that she smells like irises all the time.
    Name: Kaori
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Nymph
    Weapon: None
    Personality: As a nymph she doesn't see people very often and is very very quiet, Kaori seems to never talk and when she does it's in a soft voice. She doesn't like evil or ugliness, she tries to avoid conflict and flees if challenged, unless it is very important. She's very charming, graceful and intelligent.
    Abilities: Her magic (blind, confuse, anything earth related)
    Powersource: Angel
    Played by: kairigirl22
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    alrite, its accepted ^_^

    we'll start after kitty posts her bio, since I sorta need her here if I'm gonna get things started. then in the first post more will be explained
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Will this be okay? (It's my normal mimic thing xD I'll add more people in later if that's alright but only one or two and I plan on killing off some of my people...Not saying who though!) If you want me to edit anything just ask.

    Bio: She was on the verge of dying when an unknown group of people found her and saved her life, the only problem was that her memories were mostly earsed and she had to stay witht he group of people. Due to an attack on the base she was able to get away from the group but is now lost in the world, wondering around and hoping to find someone to help her. It's been years since her operation and she has no idea how old she is now...(When she visits her home town her best friends are old...But I'm saving that for later in the rp)
    Name: Kimmy
    Age: She looks 14
    Gender: Female
    Race: Hybird. Orginally a mimic (the rare race) but fused with robotic parts so you can call her a cybrog of sorts
    Weapon: Her transformations
    Personality: Kind to all and out going but doesn't know much of the ways of the current age
    Appearance: (I drew this myself so plz don't steal it!)
    Abilities: Transformation and few mimic powers (She lost a lot of her mimic powers though)
    power scourece: Angel of heaven
    played by: Random Angel

    Bio: A travler who loves to see the sights of strange places and doesn't feel bond to the ways of reiligon or to the world. She perfers to be a loner and doesn't like many people but appects help if it is no other choice.
    Name: Terra
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Animal girl
    Weapon: Bow and arrows, staff
    Personality: Shy but hyper
    Appearance: (I also drew this so plz no stealing)
    Abilities: Controls fire and some other weak spells
    power scourece: Angel from heaven
    played by: Random Angel

    Bio: Her past is a blank to her mostly, but her powers are known to get the best of her at times, making her kill her friends and family. She feld from her home and sought out a place to call home. But being rejected from place after place turned her heart dark. Now she only cares for herself and shall kill anyone who bothers her. That is all that is known. She is also wanted from all of the places she's been due to the fact she killed the people there after they rejected her, even burned a few villages down.
    Name: Lynn
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mimic and part demon (a demon soul lives within her)
    Weapon: Unheard angony as her daggar (in this pic: and her sword
    Personality: Cold and hates other races and people who have it good
    Appearance: Beast form (the one she uses most often at least) Amine/Animals/darkcreature.jpg and normal form (minus blind fold and wings though she can grow black wings at times)
    Abilities: Transformation and dark powers.
    power scourece: Demon from hell
    played by: Random Angel
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
  12. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    OOC: hurray my character got accepted ^^
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: alrite, I'm going to make the first post, but this is only going to be a post to explain things. After that, I can't do anything else that is really that big of a deal. this might take awhile also >.>

    Rick walked through the crowds of people, wearing his 'pretty' clothes, or so people described them to be. People were getting out of his way, but they almost seemed to be praising him, all looking at his sword, judgement, a most famous of swords indeed. "Can you believe it. You heard the rumours right? I heard that he was able to take on 10 demons at once. The guys incredible." a man whispered to his wife, as well as many other similure statements, as he walked down that way.
    "They have no idea, do they" Russel said as he walked right at Rick's side. "If only they knew what kind of monster you were. No emotions, and merely a weapon of the church. It is pretty funny how people act around a church man to" Russel said. "Maken its big moves lately, controlling 80% of the people, even it is runnings kings kingdoms for them. Why if I slaughtered one person here right now, I could simply state that they were a messenger of the devil, and people would throw a party for me" Russel said, as he started to lauph. Rick simply remained silent though, not wanting to talk, not caring to talk. "SO what's the update on these freaks. what're they called, homunculi? Last time you weren't too up to talking bout them last time, but from what I've gathered they've been doin some pretty bad ****. Mind giving me a filler?" he asked. Rick did not change emotions when he opened his mouth, not even appearing to have to let out a sigh or something. "They are a huge threat at the moment. I have been informed that they contain unstable magic which has grown out of control, and there for, they are to be destroyed immediatly. Though we do have knowledge of more then one, we are only able to identify the appearance of one of them at the moment." he informed him.

    ooc: this sorta just explains how things are right now. if anyone has any questions, then plz ask. once kitty joins then everyone can start posten
  14. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Bio: From the age of 18 Rakion had been enlisted in his father's assassination business. He now travels the land finding those on his list and assassinates themAlong with this duty however his father gave him a power of fire saying "This will scorch all those who oppose you." and also gave him a sword passed down through generations containing a powerful demon. When away from battle the demon walks beside him but when it is time to fight it transforms back into a sword. The sword's name is "Tortured Soul"
    Name: Rakion Lismus
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half- Demon due to his mother being human.
    Weapon: Tortured Soul a broadsword that contains a demon's soul inside.
    Personality: Very cold-hearted and unforgiving his only real friend is the demon in his sword.

    (picture of his sword when in its alive form)[​IMG]
    Abilities: Control over fire and can coat his weapon in fire.
    power source: His father a demon warlord.
    played by: Barakon-King

    Bio: He is a demon was sealed in a sword by a priest to stop his massacres. He had been passed down through the Lismus generation each one either becoming rich and powerful masters of war or dying from misuse of the blade.
    Name: Amnatu Ramor
    Age: 434(trapped at 27)
    Race: Full Demon
    Weapon: He has non for he is one.
    Personality: He is a very nonchalant and non serious person he's either always cracking jokes even on dark subjects such as death or helping Rakion kill someone.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: When in alive form he can manipulate lightning.
    Power Source: Demon
    played by: Barakon-King
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: just need kitty to join. if she dont join today then I'll try and get things started >.>
  18. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Ok, I just wish we could start now, no one in any of the other RPs is on.
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: i'm sorry but I wanna wait. if it wasn't for her then I would've never thought up this rp, so.....
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC:What are the races, may i ask?
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