So yeah...its officially been six months since my heart transplant. It feels kind of odd really. It doesn't feel that long. And I feel very lucky. So, yeah, thanks guys for always being there for me. And thanks for dealing with my dumb ass all this time.
Yes, that's why. But whenever I seem to get into my moods, this place has always been good to me and helped me feel better. Just feeling really grateful for that.
You had a heart transplant? Anyways, It's a good thing you're in good health. I'll watch your back, don't worry. :P
Always did want to go skydiving... Yeah, it happened a while ago. Whenever I think about when it happened, I can remember it so clearly, I start to shake a bit. Amd thanks.
Woo! Go Tummer, we don't put up with you, it's a pleasure to see you up and well! : D Now, onto stupid teenage things!
Haha,, yep. The only close thing I'm doing to that today is going to Knott's Berry Farm. At least now I can go on those roller coasters without anyone worrying that I'm going to go into cardiac arrest.
Woo! Well that is teenage madness xD Also, when you said "Berry farm" I thought it was like a place where you go and pick strawberries!
Yeah, I would think so. There are some fun rides there; there are even some that my family doesn't want to go on because they're terrified of what could happen, but I so badly want to go on them because I'm an idiot. XD
Yeah; didn't get the chance to go to Knott's today. I did go to the movies though, which I absolutely enjoyed, so I guess that makes up for it.