Site Assistance Rules [READ]

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Misty, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Forum Assistance Rules
    Questions to ask:
    Ask any questions here that pertain to problems or inquiries you have about the forums and/or the rules. If there is an error on the site--such as a broken link--please post here as well. If you have questions to ask that have nothing to do with the operation of the forums, please do so in our Tech Support section.

    Commonly asked questions: Please check this link to find out commonly asked questions so you do not have to make threads asking. Quite a few inquiries are given responses here. Many answers can be found in the stickies of each section, as well.

    Inquiries & Responses: If you are creating a new thread or assisting someone with a question, please give a response that is detailed, clear, and concise. Be patient if you are asked a number of questioning before being given possible solutions; we often try to reproduce or narrow down the problem so that it is easier to fix. Do not spam here and be earnest; if you do not know the answer to the problem, please do not post in the thread.

    -- The KH-Vids.Net Staff
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