sims 1 codebreaker please just the simple codes like master, max all motives all the time max skills, and unlock all social reactions if you know them please post them
are you talking about computer game or Ps2 or what? i know on the computer if you push ctrl shift then the button 'c' (altogether) a gray box will appear on the top left screen, click on it, type in rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!! it'll say the cheat doesn't work, but it'll give you fast cash
He said CodeBreaker.. hmm.. Is there Codebreaker for other systems? Yeh I think so.. but I think he means Ps2.. I don't have any on my CB try
That's what I figured.. well maybe I figured becuz he'z my bud and he told me.. but thanx! waot.. but yeh try HtTp://WwW.cOdEbReAkEr.CoM