So...I've been trying a few hours now to get Silent Hill 2 Director's Cut working for my PC, and the game still keeps crashing when I try to change the Options. I've set the affinity thingy so that the game only uses a single processing core, made sure to run the game as administrator, use Windows XP Service Pack 2 for Compatibility Mode, and some other tweaks I can't even remember now.
From what you said I suspect you already read this, but just in case : The game ran perfectly on the two laptops I played it on without me having to tweak anything, it just crashed sometimes but we can save whenever we want so that' s not really an issue.
Have you tried getting around the problem by changing the .ini file directly rather than by using the in-game options menu ? Read this : Basically the numbers at the end of each line represent the chosen setting. Save the original .ini file elsewhere beforehand, in case you' re afraid to screw it up. I think when it comes to boolean (on/off) values 0 means on and 1 means off. It' s either that or the other way around. He explained what the resolutions values are and I guess you' ll have to go with trial and error for the sound.
It denies me access to overwrite the original settings, and I also want to be able to set controls for using my PS3 controller.
Try to right click on the file, click on properties and toggle "read only" off. I suspected you also wanted to change the controls. No clue as to how you could get around it, sorry.
Fixed it. Had to change privileges for all users. That really sucks, the whole reason I kept trying to go to Options :\
I played it with the keyboard, once you' re accustomed to it it' s much more precise than a gamepad for tank control games. However if memory serves the initial keyboard layout in SH2 sucks balls.
Well, I give up trying to figure it out. I'm just gonna try playing it on PCSX2. The lengths I have to go to enjoy my games since the HD Collection screwed up and the 360 isn't backwards compatible with my original copy ;.;