Request Signature and Avatar request,plz help :D

Discussion in 'Art Shop' started by RoxasNeval, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. RoxasNeval Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 4, 2010
    Destiny islands
    Avatar:a mugshot of Roxas like the ones in chain of memories(plz make it so he blinks every couple of seconds)yeah i now i have one but i want it bigger and better,maybe around 249x252 or less
    Signature:a Roxas sprite continuously beating up Riku with oathkeeper XD,add some snazzy background too if possible

    tHIS IS MY 1ST POST IN KH-vids so hi to all of you :D

    heres a spritesheet: i dont know who made them but credits go to whoever made them