
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    (The OOC is still accepting people! Please join if you're interested!)

    It all began centuries ago, when the nations of Gaeus fell into disgrace. The eight nations fought amongst themselves for resources and land, to gain power over one another. They all converged, causing a schism amongst their peoples. These people, in the midst of war, fought against their government. Due to the war, due to the vexation of the people, the world was thrown into chaos for the second time... the first was at the birth of Man.

    The people had learned from a passing Sage the Forbidden Arts. Because of the Forbidden Arts, the world was thrown into chaos, causing many to go insane and many others to start their own smaller nations. In the end, it was the first Cataclysm to befall the people of Gaeus. The dead walked, men and women and children weep and laughed, and many others were suffering from plagues... never allowed to die. This era of pain and misery was pulled to a halt when eight wise scientists, one from each country, found the solution for peace. Those who knew the Forbidden Arts were housed in prisons and asylums. Those who suffered by the forsaken magic were placed in hospitals and asylums. And those who were oppressed and afraid were given homes.

    However, their methods were never recorded, for Man was thrown into a Dark Age; the scientists had lived in seclusion far beneath Gaeus's surface.

    In the end, these scientists, men of both the Arcane Arts and Technology, had brought unto the people a new peace. As the darkness receded, the golden sun arose for the people under their gaze. In hopes to hold back the darkness, the scientists had created a school, not only for education... but to exercise martial control.

    This school exists upon the Crossroads of the eight nations. It was named SIGMA ((Scientific Institute of Guardianship through Mastery of Weaponry And Arcane Arts)) by the BSD ((Bureau of Scientific Development)), the organization formed by the eight scientists.

    As of now, the school exists as a mercenary company created by the BSD, Gaeus's new government, to keep the world in place and to disrupt anything that threatens the peace. Despite the BSD's grip on the world, it is not strong enough to control the will of others... or those that are savage.


    The students were all assembled for their semester at SIGMA, their new home and a place to learn further of their abilities and talents. The school was unlike anything they could ever have imagined or even believe have existed. It was like a labyrinthine castle, everything was maze-like and vast beyond their wildest dreams... or nightmares. However, they were all able to find their first class... Magic 101. It was a class hosted by Professor Faust, infamously known for his intelligence. Infamously because it was the sort of genius that could only be found in a madman. Or so rumors go.

    Nevertheless, he had not arrived, nor had any of the new students met him. Yet.

    The classroom itself was large, with thirteen tiers with thirty-six steep steps. The tiers were set in a convex-manner, curving inward as proper. Like an arch. There were desks aplenty... and they all surrounded the main floor of the room in a proper manner for all to look upon the professor should he enter and his large blackboard. His desk was even set a proper five-feet away from the blackboard, the giving plenty of room for the professor to walk behind his desk-and-chair with much ease. The blackboard itself dwarfed the room and its tiers. There were three entry-ways. The first two were on the base floor, on opposing sides (one on the left, the other on the right). Then, there was one double-door at the top tier in the center, the diving point of the room for all to walk freely... if they were in a single-file line.

    Nevertheless, the bell rang... but there was plenty of time for the students to chat among themselves before the professor arrived to start the class. Five minutes before the next bell.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    ~ Changing the World ~ One Smile at a Time ~

    Tahlia sat down on a random seat nervously, a smile shone on her face, yet her hands fiddled with her sleeve. This was so different from home, almost overwelming. This entire place was incredible, like nothing she'd ever seen before. She was looking forward to exploring and seeing what mysteries this place held. Although, despite her excitement, she was slightly intimidated. She hoped she'd fit in here and make new friends, so far away from what she was used to. She hoped she could find a place for herself, even somewhere to belong.

    She looked around the classroom, the teacher hadn't arrived yet, so she turned her attention to the people around her. There were probably people here from every nation and all types of life, probably each with there own story to tell. Though as it stood she just smiled at them, trying to decide if she should try and start a conversation.
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    ~(*)~ If I have to get stronger to protect everyone, then so be it!~(*)~

    As Keel made his way into the classroom, the first thing he noticed was the fact that the teacher wasn't there yet. He took a quick look around to see what the classroom had looked like. Just like the rest of the school, it was amazing. Moving to a seat, he sat there waiting for the teacher to arrive. Hopefully he wouldn't be mocked unlike at his home.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    It may be impossible to protect all the people in the world, but at least I can try.

    Like most times she had somewhere to be, Alyss arrived early. She had already set up her bag, and gotten comfortable in her seat when the rest of the students began to pour in. Prompt as usual, she felt that there was no time to be wasted...or rather, she had nothing better to do but to arrive everywhere as early as possible. She wasn't particularly social, and she didn't have very many friends. She wasn't sure why, but she preferred to work alone most of the time.

    It was nothing against the other students. She wasn't unfriendly to them, just a bit awkward. Unfortunately, the teacher wasn't even there. So she felt it was a bit uncomfortable looking as organized and ready as she was, with no one to teach or distract her from the people around her. Great. She sunk deeper into her seat and tapped a pen nervously against the table.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    With eyes closed and arms crossed the silent boy named Drake silently sat at his desk in the giant room he was now to call a classroom. Having entered the classroom much more earlier than most of the class, Drake had merely been silently sitting at his desk the whole time. For a soldier like him a school environment like this was all unfamiliar to him. True he did his research before entering the school but still, there is only so much books can teach you.
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    ~<>~The enemy is you. Hide yourself to protect the world.~<>~

    Zac entered the classroom, making sure to come in right on the bell, so the other students wouldn't have time to try and talk to him. Unfortunately, the teacher wasn't even there yet, and as soon as he walked through the door, he almost turned right back around again. So many people, he thought miserably. How am I ever going to get through this torture?
    He stared at the ground as he walked quickly past the students, very aware of his dark clothes and strange tattoo, until he got to an empty seat in the very back of the classroom. Sitting quietly and keeping his head down, he let his blonde spiky hair hang down over his eyes, sending the message he desperately wanted to portray: Stay away from me, I'm dangerous.
    Even though it was his choice to stay away from people, even though he tried his best to be avoided, he still felt keenly the sting of being alone.
  7. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    ••• Save the world, or die trying. •••

    Rita slowly slouched into the room, her arms folded tightly across her chest whilst keeping her favourite books up close and safe. She was expecting some form of noise to emit as one would expect from a classroom, however, everything seemed to be dead. No one seemed to speaking and everyone was keeping to themselves. Slightly bewildered, she examined her peers carefully to make sure they were even alive. "Well this will be just great..." She muttered bitterly under her breath as she made her way to the nearest seat, noticing that maybe one person in the room was actually smiling, the rest were being very withdrawn and were making the whole atmosphere seem kind of depressing.
  8. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    As Rita sat down, she would notice a sleeping student with a badly kept wizard hat, whose conical top was crooked and leaned lazily to the left. This student even wore a badly kept black duster, which appeared to be in tatters. Flowing from beneath the hat was long white hair with sky blue tint. He even had dusky pointed ears that poked out from beneath his long hair, brushing the brim of the wizard hat. At the slightest sound, his ears twitched. Immediately he shot up. "Huh? Wha? Where am I?" The youth asked with a heavy slur. Rita, and any student nearby, would notice that the youth wore a mask that covered his lower face, made of black leather. The mask itself seemed to be covered in straps, as did the rest of his clothing beneath it. His eyes appeared green with slitted pupils. The dusky-skinned student yawned and looked around. His gaze found Rita.

    "Why's it so quiet?" He asked, his voice husky from sleep. "Are you all that nervous about class?"
  9. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Save the world, or die trying.

    Rita turned to the strange boy next to her, a frown forming on her face as she noted his tattered clothing and wizard hat. “Who knows? It’s like we’re attending a funeral or something.” She shrugged, unrolling her sash and wiping it down with her sleeve. “But it’s driving me crazy. I wish the teacher would hurry up already...” She sighed and packed her sash away again, sticking it in one of the many pockets on her smooth orange robes, which no doubt looked quite untidy and cluttered to anyone else but her. She also wondered why no one had questioned her about her goggles which sat far up her head, she thought they might look slightly out of place.

    She studied the boy further, raising an eyebrow at the leather mask which concealed the lower part of his face. “That just for show? It looks odd, no offense.” Her gaze wandered elsewhere as she waited for a reply from the boy, stopping every so often when it passed over any of the others. “This is ridiculous, they’re like total zombies…” She thought to herself as she returned her gaze to the boy.

  10. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Karasu laughed. "It's as purposeful as your goggles," he retorted. "And you'd think that this place would be far more like a playground than a funeral home." He added. Loudly. Loud enough for the rest of the class to hear. Karasu sighed. "The teacher... I heard he's a tad bit unorthodox. He's never on time, always late, and not quite right in the head. But my sources... not very reliable."
  11. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    ~<>~The enemy is you. Hide yourself to protect the world.~<>~

    Sitting in his seat in the back of the class, Zac studied each student as they waited for the teacher. There were people of all kinds, none of them alike. They were different sizes, styles, ages, appearence, and different aura's of power around them, different kinds of magic.
    There was a man, obviously an adult, who looked strong and disciplined, but uneasy in a classroom. There was a girl, who looked a little older than he was, about nineteen or so, with long hair that reached at least down to her back, but he couldn't really see it from here. She was nervously tapping her pencil against her desk, looking ready to learn and irritated that there was no one to teach her. A little ways away, there was a boy that looked around the same age as Zac, 17, and he looked apprehensive but hopeful, as if he wasn't sure what lay in store for him at this school. Near the front of the class, a girl with short choppy hair and goggles was talking with a sleepy-looking student that was very elf-like in appearence. In fact... those ears sticking out from that old hat... were they pointy? Yes, Zac was almost sure of it. He liked all the stories of elves, in the orphanage, they circulated about frequently, and Zac had learned every one of them word for word. Of course, he had never had anyone to tell them to, and he never would, but they were there just the same. The elf-like boy loudly said something about the classroom being alike to a funeral home, and Zac half smiled before resuming his survey of the students.
    Sitting in a seat and smiling around at all the strange things and people this classroom held, was a girl that looked very young, but somehow, he knew she was older than she looked. She was small, with long blonde hair that hung about her face, and she smiled radiently at everyone. She was much different from the other classmates, she seemed to see the good in everything, she seemed to be the kind of person who would be able to spot beauty and magic in anything, if she just looked at it the right way. Other than those few, no student had yet arrived that sparked any interest. The classroom was full of people, but the rest were almost unimportant in a way. There was nothing special about them. Yes, he had picked his favorites. Now to avoid them forever. He looked back down, and started to slip back into his "don't look my way" state. Back to my choice, to my reality.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    ~(*)~ If I have to get stronger to protect everyone, then so be it! it!~(*)~

    Man, when id the teacher going to get here. Keel thought to himself. In most cases he wasn't as quiet as he was now, but it was the first day of school. It's not like he's going to make any friends right off the bat. Part of him wanted to go ahead and leave. Too bad he wou;dn.t be able to do that. Even if the class was more like a funeral home.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: All credit to Jayn for the amazing graphic. >

    ~ Changing the World ~ One Smile at a Time ~

    Tahlia sighed slightly though remained smiling, she'd expected it to be a little more chaotic than this, she'd expected more people to be talking. Instead, it was so quiet with everyone keeping to themselves. She supposed it because it was the first day and everyone was a little nervous but she couldn't help be disappointed. Not a single person had even returned her smile. Hopefully as time went on they'd get more talkative but for now, she didn't like it. She turned as a guy wearing a wizard hat commented about this place being like a funeral home to a girl with random goggles on her head. That make her laugh quietly a little, it was true. However little talk that was, it was better than nothing. She looked around again, she really wanted to help start a converstation but she got the feeling if she said anything, they'd just bite her head of. Despite this, she leaned back and said to the people around her, "Hey, I wonder when the teacher's going to get here. Hopefully they can liven up the room a little." She accompanied it with a frendly smile and just hoped that they wouldn't mind.
  14. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Save the world, or die trying.

    Rita sighed as the boy commented on her goggles, shifting their position as she suddenly began to take more notice of them. "Well at least mine look slightly fashionable. That mask isn't something you might see someone wear as the were walking down a cat-walk." She replied rather coldly, though she didn't really mean for it to be. It was just natural for her tone of voice to come out like that, which gave people a negative impression of her, which then led to her really purposefully sounding cold hearted.

    Rita looked backwards at the one girl, who seemed to want to smile until some sort of apocalypse took place, as she heard her speak to the people around her quietly. She had to admire the girl's talent of an unwavering smile, it was quite extraordinary that someone could remain happy in this doom and gloom atmosphere. The boy spoke out again and Rita turned her attention back to him, yawning slightly from boredom. "Well better a nut job than no one at all."

  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    ~(*)~ If I have to get stronger to protect everyone, then so be it! it!~(*)~

    "That all depends on the teacher. If he's as as I've heard, then it might not make anything better." Keel answered. Hopefully the teacher might finally show up while he was talking. Either way, it's bound to be a interesting day whenever he gets here.
  16. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Even as they spoke, and even before Karasu could reply, the doors below swung open and in stepped a man wearing a long white lab coat. His hair was platinum blond and long, held into a ponytail, though there were a few stray bangs that helped frame his face. In between his lips was a cigarette, which was already lit and smouldering. He wore a black turtleneck, white pants, and black leather dress shoes. He was relatively pale, wearing slim, rectangular glasses. The glare from his glasses often hid his eyes, but those who could see would realize his eyes were an icy-shade of blue. Overall, he was slender and handsome, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a slender (and slightly pointed) nose. Professor Faust stood to be six-foot, two-inches and appeared to be quite fragile. He was a man of intelligence after all.

    What was frightening about his appearance, despite his vampire-like presence, was his strange Cheshire smile. He was grinning from ear to ear, and for no better reason than to simply smile. Aside from his strange, jovial nature, he also appeared well-groomed. His clothing seemed perfect, not a wrinkle in place. Holding his hair back was a black ribbon, which defied physics by appearing perfect and unwrinkled. He was perfectly groomed... it was eerie, for it contradicted that strange, otherworldly smile of his.

    "Hello, class," Faust greeted, his voice mellow and suave. The way he greeted his class was another odd and frightening attribute, for the inflection of "class" was detached, though there was a fondness that caressed an opposing word such as "test subjects" or "specimen". "Today you are here to learn the fundamentals of magic, the essence of all life. Today we are going to simply review the basis of the Arts and take a loosely related quiz... if you are all behaved and well-mannered, I may even give you all a treat." He explained, not even bothering with attendances. "Are there any questions?"
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    ~(*)~ If I have to get stronger to protect everyone, then so be it! it!~(*)~

    Yeah, are you as off as they say. He thought to himself. It probably would be better if he didn't say it. Keel still wondered what he meant about a 'treat'. If could pretty much mean anything, whether it was good or bad for them.
  18. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    ~<>~The enemy is you. Hide yourself to protect the world.~<>~

    Well, here we go, Zac thought as the professor entered the classroom. He listened to the proffesor talk about the days activities, it sounded like they woudn't actually practice magic yet, they would just listen to a lesson and then take a quiz. That shouldn't be too hard, he thought. As long as I put off actually doing any magic for as long as possible, I'm good. He stared intently at his desk, hoping the proffesor wouldn't decide to pick on him.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    It may be impossible to protect all the people in the world, but at least I can try.

    With a gaze around her, she began to notice the other students tensing up a bit. This teacher was definitely intimidating, but otherwise he would be harmless. Right? Her bright eyes locked onto the cigarette captured between her lips and she crinkled her nose in disgust, gazing back at her paper quietly and nervously tapping the top of her pencil against the lined paper beneath it.

    Her knees pressed against each other as the scent of tobacco danced through the air. Exasperatedly, she placed her chin in the palm of her hand. She wasn't sure what this man could possibly teach them. He looked like a delinquent. Nevertheless, she was respectful as always. She would behave like a proper student. Unless this smoke seriously started getting to her. She hoped he put it out soon.

  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    ~(*)~ If I have to get stronger to protect everyone, then so be it! it!~(*)~

    Out of everything the teacher should up with, the one thing that reminded Keel of home was the cigarette. Guess not everyone is use to the smell of smoke like I am. Judging by the Alyss reaction, it was obvous that the smell was bothering her. Wonder when he's going to start teaching?
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