Should not attending school be illegal O-o

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jayn, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    So...I guess where I live at least, if a parent doesn't enroll their kids in school (not including homeschooling), then it's illegal and the IRS or somebody starts looking for them. I asked my step-mom about it once and she said she'd much rather not have her kids in school, and let life teach them...So...Do you think that it should be illegal?
    More of opinions then...Back and forth debate. I'm looking for insight. =]
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    it's the "no child left behind" program. bush invented it to keep kids in school. if they drop out before 18, it's illegal.
  3. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    u mean before 16 right?
    idk where u live but were i live its 16
    and i disagree
    it shouldnt be illegal
    some kids just cant go
    and some dont wanna
    but thats their choice
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I think it's stupid. I think that if a kid doesn't want to go to school, don't make them. They'll just not do anything and fail. Or they just won't go. It's their choice. Schooling can always be resumed later if the decision is regretted. Plus, if I were a teacher, I wouldn't want a kid that didn't want to be there in my class. I'd only want kids that wanted to learn.

    Also, if the parent wants to home school their kid or take them out of school, how the crap is that bad?! The parent has rights over their child so I say stay out of it to the government. >:
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The worst education is forced education.

  6. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    America's ALREADY behind the rest of the free world in intelligence levels. I do NOT want them to fall any lower!

    If, and that's a big friggin' IF, school becomes non-mandatory, here's how it'll go down: children MUST go to elementary to learn basic skills (writing, reading and basic math). If we do not do this, there will be more people out on the streets who cannot read. Middle school should be highly recommended and have benefits. That way, kids can learn a lot better. Then, high school would be completely non-mandatory, but highly recommended.

    However, if such a decision, or anything close to it came into being, I, as an intellectual, would fight it to the ground.

    No school, no skills. No skills, no job. No job, no money. No money, no life.

    Not only will it effect the individual, but the economy and others as well. There will be less people with skills needed for necessary jobs. Do you realize what this would do?

    If a kid doesn't want to go to school, you should not force him, as that would make America a totalitarian dictatorship. However, that same person would not have a very good life, so I believe that we should do everything in our power to keep kids in school, if not the sake of the individual, but for the people of the US of A.

    Also, homeschooling=stupid, in many cases. You may not getting the facts from a mother. Not only that, but homeschooling could let your mother teach you ANYTHING. Including intolerance and other stupid things.
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yes, because i really don't see what they could be doing instead of that. the children probably wouldn't be able to work and by the time they want to go to school than they'll be really behind. plus, it would be hard for them to get a DECENT job because they have no education. also, are you talking about ALL of school or just part of school that isn't required? i'm not sure. anyways, i would say it should be illegal to deny the kids an education.
  8. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Honestly, if quiting school was illegal, who would work at McDonalds?

    However, many highschool kids do get jobs there. But, at my McDonalds and a few others I've been to, a lot of the workers are adults.
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I suppose education would be mandatory. But that's only if the education that is being taught is correct and appealing. 90% of the schooling these days is just boring and unappealing (I suppose it's always been that way). We need more open-ends here with the schools if we want the people to actually learn, imo.

    There's a lot to consider. But what Mirai said was quite true... but very unfortunate. Without a job, you get no money, and with no money you get no jobs.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    People can self teach children but need to get the materials and also report that the children are being home schooled. I have two cousins that were home schooled, much to my dismay because their mom is super Christian and that is part of what was drilled into their heads. So, it isn't illegal to learn at home but the parent or mentor has to go through the proper channels to make it happen.

    Children do need schooled though, either at home or at school. We really don't need ignorant people walking around that can't do simple tasks like reading or basic maths. Education is important and really it does get frustrating to see results of polls for the U.S. system and that kids are so far behind where they should be. When a kid is 16, I believe education then is something they do not have to do anymore and can opt for a GED or just drop out. As now a kid is old enough to decide for him/herself, I think that's pretty just. I just feel bad for kids that do because there is barely any job out there anymore that excepts people without a GED and even McDonalds may not accept a kid who has dropped out. Then the only way these kids get jobs is doing illegal things or if some relative helps them out. Also, they will be totally dependent on other people for the rest of their lives and not make squat.

    However, if at 16 they want to drop out, that's their choice and I do believe it is still legal to do so, though of course frowned upon.
  11. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Technically America's "intelligence levels" being "lower" then that of other Nations can be attributed to the fact that our education system compiles and provides the statistics of every school and every test score taken in the country, whereas most of the world will only submit the averaged scores of the top schools in their nations as a representative of them, for fear of looking bad.
  12. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Honestly, I have no pity whatsoever for those who 'drop out' of school. However, if they suffer a mental, physical, or financial disability during their school years, then I completely understand.

    After reading your post, I found something very interesting and I'm very happy you pointed it out. You stated that people who quit school usually or sometimes result to illegal activities.

    Thus, maybe if dropping out is made illegal everywhere in the United States, it would lower the crime rate.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Well, making it illegal to drop out would be harsh as some kids really do have trouble in school the way it is set up. We need more studies into how to get kids educated and a possible reform of the educational system to make it more 'interesting' for students to partake in it. Also, there are variations in people with learning things and this isn't really taken into account. Our brains aren't all wired the same to learn the exact same way as everyone else. Things people consider 'learning disabilities' are often not so bad because if things are taught differently to some of those people, they grasp it. I did crappy in high school, doing As and then Cs in classes. However, when I finally got to college, I have been doing much better because the way things are taught is better, except for math, which is still boring.

    There are problems though of trying to make the educational system better including issues of religion and some other things like parents aren't helping teachers and schools to ensure their children are actually getting disciplined when they are playing around. Too many parents show a zeal for supporting their kids and telling teachers they are biased etc. So, until things fix up in several areas, I really don't think it can be said that legally a kid at 16 years of age must stay in school. Would it keep troublemakers more off the streets? Perhaps it would. There are police that are meant to be out looking for kids who aren't in school to bring them back.

    Also, some kids are just bad apples and schools can't really afford to have them in classes. Some schools have to expel children who are beating on others, bringing weapons to school or drugs etc. Maybe special schools are more needed for them but it is rather critical that something is done about those children too that aren't having their educations dealt with and can't be trusted to sit in regular schools. I see a lot of schools that really try to keep these kids in classes with regular children and the schools suffer a lot for it as does the morale for other kids who are stuck with someone giving them a hard time and teachers who have no clue what to do with them because the administration won't do something. So, as said, I think the education system really needs looked at and needs an overhaul because as it stands, any attempts to -force- children to stay in school past 16 otherwise is going to fail big time. This is why though that many schools teach GED programs later for kids that want to go back and move on, and adults that decide they've seen the light. It puts power to them to allow them to make up for the mistake of deciding to waltz out of school on some broken promise that didn't pan out.
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    yes, repliku is right

    i mean ,math is boring !


    but on a more serious note

    i think schools should not only specialize to help each student, but should also in high school, prepare students better.
  15. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    My brother has a physical disability, but he still goes to school (well, he wont't be soon) and we've signed him up for home tuition...

    I don't think he needs much training as he's got the brains of a college student, and he's only in year 8. He's the only person I know that loves learning everything at school, and can still have his contagious laughter.

    T-T I admire him for how strong he is, in everything. Compared to him, I'm just a stick next to a stone.

    It shouldn't be illegal for people with a form of disability or serious injury to be home-schooled...

    In my opinion, it is the person's choice whether they should make or break their life.
  16. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    good point, but your brother is a different case

    now, but you do have a point, around some times homeschooled kids come to school to take some tests , to see if they are giving them what they need at homeschool.
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It would be more beneficail to let people learn their own lives than someone at a school saying 'this is your life' and no choice is allowed. But in the modern world, we need school and education because thats the only thing people hiring others want to see that they have this many grades and not personal enlightenment, which to me is really unfair and making countries more arrogant and narrow minded.
  18. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    True. Perhaps it is 'unfair'.

    But, like you said, in this world you must have an education to 'survive' properly. As unfair as it is, that is life and why should anyone be exused from working hard like everyone else?

    I know how you feel, though. Most of our lives is taken up by school.

    Then, after school, we immediately get to working.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    But I hate the modern world, i'd rather be learning life than Math or Science, i'd rather learn that myself, just today no one seems to have a hunger to learn except for immigrants that come into the country and want to learn to help their families live, but the people who don't want to learn and fail just say 'hey, they're taken our jobs, thats not fair, its our country our jobs' when people who moan don't have the capabilities to work at all. it seems.
  20. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    I can understand. I'm not too fond of this modern world, either.

    Also, when I try to just relax, I only have two months to do it before school starts again. I try to learn about myself to, but I can never usually do that because I never have the time.

    But, in this world, that is just the way it is and we have to adapt.

    Darwin's theory of evolution comes into place: 'The weak die and the strong remain'.

    I do not believe in the 'Big Bang' or 'Evolution' theory, but I believe in the 'Evolution' of organisms after the creation of Earth by God and that these organisms used Evolution to adapt to their environment.

    For people in financial difficulty or with mental or physical disabilities, it is hard for them to adapt. However, if you have the ability to go through school, you need to take it.