My school just released the summer reading list, and one of the books listed is called Lolita...I've researched it and it seems really good. But I wanted to see if anybody here has read it. Please tell me how was it, and if I should buy it.
I liked the story but overall it felt a bit too long and I'm not a big fan of the genre altogether... Still, it's a classic. What kind of stories do you usually like? Also, you immediately speak of buying but can't you borrow it in the library?
Well, I like a lot of genres but I seem to land in the non-fiction/fiction areas of reading....but I am open to really anything The librarys down here dont have may copies and most are ordered by people beforehand, so It would take me 2 months before I get my copy *They go by last name...and my last name is almost at the end of the alphabet...-_-*
"fiction/nonfiction" covers a lot of ground xD... I've never read it, but if you think you'd enjoy it and nothing else on the list stands out to you, then go for it.
Oh haha, well that's convenient. xD Let me know how it is if you read it then, it sounds interesting.