Alrighty. So today in my American Lit class, we went over a speech by a Puritan minister called "Sinners." It's a famous sermon. All he talks about is how humans suck and we're all going to burn in Hell for enternity. I'll admit that I wasn't really paying attention. I'm athiest (and I go to a private Catholic school. See an issue?) so I don't believe that anyone, especially myself, is going to burn in Hell after death. Not pleasant to think about. So then my teacher pointed at each of us and said that we're going to burn in Hell unless we do something to change ourselves. Excuse me? I don't think she has any right to say that kind of thing to us; regardless that I don't believe in that stuff. So after we read the rest of the sermon, she asked our opinions on it and how we would have felt if we were there when the sermon was being given. Frankly, I wanted to say, "I think that's a load a of bullcrap. I would have left by the third sentence." But I didn't. I raised my hand and said that I wouldn't be scared because I'm athiest and I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or that stuff. So then she looked at me like I was some spawn of the Devil or something. She then told me that she didn't want my opinion, she wanted to know what I would have thought if I was a Puritan and I was hearing that speech. What the crap? She asked for my opinion. She didn't let me speak again. She picked my friend who had his hand raised. He's also an athiest. He said nearly the exact same thing that I did. My teacher said, "Oh, so we have another athiest in the class, do we?" Rude much? I think so. She then proceeded to emphasize how wrong my friend and I were in our beliefs. Afterwards, she once again told us all that we're going to burn in Hell. I think it's wrong of her to bash on my beliefs, and my friends as well, during class. I don't really if she doesn't like the fact that we're athiests, I can deal with that. She's just a rude person altogther. (The other students call her Crazy Azzi.Donna Azzi is her name.) Should I tell the administration about this? The school always talks about how loving and kind it is. I haven't had this problem with any of my other teachers, not even my religion teacher. My friend won't say anything about it because he's not that type of person, but I'm not afraid to get in someone's face if I've got a problem with them. I've thought of talking directly with Azzi, but she actually does kind of freak me out. She's very intimidating. I don't want to just let this slide, but I don't want to make a huge deal about it either. What should I do??
You go to a Private Catholic School. I can't say it's surprising they'd treat you like that if you're atheist. By thinking that what the sermon said was a load of bullcrap, you're, in a way, bashing her beliefs as well. BUT you didn't say that. I'll agree that her tone to you and your friend was uncalled for. As for telling the administration, that's a hard choice. For one, it's a Private Catholic School, chances are they'll lean towards her side because 1. She's a teacher, 2. You're an atheist in a religious school. You're going to have to deal with teachers and faculty like that every once in awhile in high school. I can't really tell you if you should tell them or not...
Well, you can't really do anything about it. The school is catholic and private so I'd think that they would think they have the right to tell the students what to think. If you aren't a catholic, then what exactly are you doing at that school?
The school provides a good education (except for the religious part), and my parents want me to be Catholic. I've kind of become numb to the daily prayer and monthly mass and stuff. >> However, the school (faculty and teachers) is always saying how this a loving environment and you don't have to be Catholic to go to this school. Yet problems like mine happen all the time. Nothing is ever done about them. I want it to stop. I might not care a whole lot, but someone else might. Like my friend. I know he cares, he just can't say anything.
No offense, but who the fuck cares what your parents want? Who the hell are they to dictate your religion and your life? Their job is to raise you, as best they can, and teach you how to be a decent human being. Also, I have found that religious schools are generally far less tolerant and peaceful than public schools (this is from personal experience), especially of atheists (obviously). My advice - see if there is any conceivable way to get your parents to send you to some other school. Also, report that teacher's actions to the administration. It may be that they won't care, but then, at least, you will have tried.
Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes tell administration. It's a Catholic school, so you may not get the reaction that you want, but bring it up. Raise awareness of the different religions (or the 'lack thereof') in your school. Yes. Did I mention 'yes'? Catholic schools don't throw students out because they aren't Catholic. Some Catholic parents will enroll their kids in a Catholic school in the hopes that their child will stay Catholic. But people can't dictate to you which religion to be in a free country, thus they can't not give you an education because you aren't of a certain religion
The thing is, there really is no other school to go to. The public school here have problems with violence because of religion. Kids get beat up if they're not LDS. Going to the school that I'm at now also has the advantage of my personal safety. Perhaps I'll have to miss a bit of the musical's rehearsal tomorrow to talk to someone about this.
I think you should tell them, and if they don;t do anything about it, then atleast you tried. I remember I went to a catholic primary school - not a nice experience. Also, the one I went to was really strict o-o Anyway, What she did was uncalled for. :B|:
Hmmm. I can see your dilemma and all. I'd say, that you should maybe talk to your RE teacher about this, they would most likely have had some type of involment with extreme believers, ask her/him to maybe talk to this teacher directly or jsut get some advise about how you want to go about this without it making out that your the ass at the end of this conversation, your not the ass.If you've got the confidence go talk to her. By the sounds of it she seems stubborn and most likely won't listen to you if you speak about any relegious thing at all. Try to see if you can appel to her good side and she may not be as tough on you. If not, try and talk to the head of the school and appeal to them. THey have the authoritation to discipline. As last resort, and I stress last resort, you have another option. Mock her. Seriously, by just using the bible and other relegious quotes that contradict her she has the chance of not speaking about her thoughts again, but it's not full-proof.
frankly, your teacher seems to be a real *****, to be quite honest .__. I have a belief myself, but going around telling people that they'll burn in hell is just stupid >__< You should talk to her after class, or book a meeting with her, so that she can't just walk off while you're talking. I hate it when teachers talk like they're obviously right and you're obviously wrong, and therefore, stupid. So, I really think that you should talk to her : O