I really don't know if I should buy it because I'm getting my first DS game and I'm not sure which game I should get. Should this be my first DS game?
Dude, don't wait for 358/2 Days to come out. Yes. Buy the World Ends With You. You should be playing it right now because it is just that good. Because it is just that damn awesome. Phoenix Wright is pretty good although IMO the replay value was pretty poor. If you're looking for something familar then maybe Tetris DS or the Super Mario Bros. If you come across it, I've heard Trauma Center is worth picking up but I'll have to clarify that when I have my own copy.
You would never be going wrong to buy TWEWY as your first game. It is fantastic. If you don't want that one, the Pokemon games are good as well, Animal Crossing, any of the Mega Man games can be sufficient as well. But definitely get TWEWY by any means. lol
Yes, buy it. It's freaking fantastic. I don't own it, but my friend does, and I play it with him all the time. It can be difficult if you try to control both Neku and his partner, but don't let that stop you from buying the game. It's a really good game.
Yesh. Do it. I bought my copy almost months after everyone else here did, and I sure do regret not getting it sooner, it's that much fun. Some other good ones to look for if you change your mind are Trauma Center (if you can find it), Super Mario 64 DS, Picross is very addicting, FF III and IV, Mario Kart DS, Zelda: Phantom HourGlass, to name a few. For the record, my first ever DS game was the first Trauma Center. I still haven't beaten it yet. I'm stuck on the bomb level.
Definatly get it, I was playing it just before infact. So far it has a great story line and its just so much fun.
Well, it depends. For alot of people, it's difficult to focus on two seperate fields of play at once. However, it is a unique game and if you're able to get past the issues that the first game that does anything like has, then really, it's a good. buy. However, I wouldn't reccomend this game as your first DS game. There are other games that can both help you get adjusted to the unique touch screen interface the DS has. I would suggest you explore the library and try to find games that you find appealing.
TWEWY is a really dynamic and fun game. Some people have difficulty with the fighting system, though, and seeing as this is your first game you might need to practice it a bit. TWEWY is different than so many games, and it will keep you playing for hours.