Okay, this is my first GIMP tag, and it's pretty simple. I was just messing with effects and junk, so be light: Tag: V2/.png: Matching Av.: V2/.png: CnC?
For a first it's quite a good thing to look at. I like how the colors are a bit monotone but yet have it's own feel to it. Not bad for a first. You should ALWAYS save your work as .png though. Unless your adding more to the JPEG quality. That can also work. It's simple, nothing too much. Just get the basics done. Lighting, brushes, patterns, focal point, text, etc. Overall read some tuts. You got a good way coming.
Thanks. All I did was use some of the crappy skills I learned from Photoshop, and mix it with some meddling. Encouraging words, thanks. And thanks for the .png tip, I'll see what it looks like with that.