Shooting at a Nevada Middle School

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Meilin Lee, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    via Yahoo!

    I... am... getting... sick... of... these... shootings! When will it end?!
  2. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Such a horrible event. I feel sorry for all the children.

    Don't read spoiler if you don't want to see a pessimistic rant about society.
    It won't end. As long as there is a single human being alive on this earth it won't end. I don't mean to sound so pessimistic, well I sort of do, but it's true. Human beings are truly the most savage creatures on earth. Why? Because they can think. They can process and organize information in a way that most other creatures can't. That makes them the deadliest predators.

    The only thing that keeps us from going all out into savage fits is a little thing called self control. Most of us would know that shooting up a school is something you shouldn't do. However, when you have people who snap or just don't care then that self control is lesser or abolished completely. Once this occurs there is nothing stopping them from acting on impulse, going into a fit of savage rage.

    Be it a cause of drugs, a disorder, or just the results of a twisted demented mind, it's a possibility hidden away in each of us. It's a possible event that could be triggered in any human being. That's why the senseless violence will never stop, so long as we all shall live.
  3. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Holy crap, I was actually thinking it might be Mendive Middle School when I click the link, and it's actually in Sparks. For crying out loud, I can't believe it actually happened where I used to live. I can't remember where that particular school is, but it was probably somewhere close
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    ^ I don' t think human nature is any different in the US or in France, yet although France has guns too (a third of the US gun per capita), and its citizens could totally buy a gun and go unload it in a schoolyard or a cinema it doesn' t have mass shootings on its front pages every Thursday. Or at all really. But then France doesn' t have any gun lobby, decided advertising guns was a big no no and has strict gun control laws (let' s just say we don' t sell guns at Wallmart for starters).

    I saw a humoristic picture recently but I can' t seem to retrieve it : an American pedestrian, spotting a guy aiming with a sniper rifle on the sidewalk, yet still going his merry way, whistling.

    I' m not sure whether Americans actually believe they can' t change it or just don' t really want to, but either way keep thinking you can' t change things and they never will indeed.
  5. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I have a feeling it's a combination of things:

    One, ironically enough me and my mom were talking about this recently, is that there's no longer anything really stopping people from having kids. I myself hit the bottom of the gene pool with staff on both sides of my family, toxemia, autism, schizophrenia and a majority of other problems. I'm not saying that it doesn't always turn out bad kids when you have stuff like that happening, but the odds go MUCH higher the further you go back in family history with said problems. Hence the huge rise in asthma, autism and other such problems. Hell, my bro has a kid who luckily dodged a huge bullet and is 100% fine and his wife refuses to have another kid because she knows our genetic history. The more people have kids who have mental issues themselves, the higher of a chance of crazies in the world.

    Another thing is the media: The media has gone into a frenzy over guns and talking about it being bad. I won't go into video games with this debate though I do note I think the whole video games=mass murder is bullshit. The media gives these people a shitload of attention. They give the heroes a shitload of attention, they give anyone who now lifts a finger and waves it around in the U.S. attention now. Name one person still living, hero or villain, in the last five to ten years who haven't written a book about what they did and sold millions of copies. It's a part of life. I remember the Colorado shooting and people saying: "We need a concealed weapon law for every person who is trained with a gun to carry one into the theater just in case." Great, what happens when something happens and you gun down each other, what happens when someone stands up to go to the bathroom and you gun them down because you think they look weird standing, or god forbid, a child waves around a toy gun in the front row of a pitch black theater and you shoot them in cold blood thinking that they're going to start a shooting.

    My thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families. I still think it's horrendously everyone's fault who blames other people.
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I myself live in Nevada, and I gotta say I didn't hear about this till now. If there was a shooting here in one of the schools in Vegas though, it wouldn't be a big surprise. Sparks is a small town. But the thing is, kids bring in drugs, weapons, and all sorts of things into schools here in Vegas ALL the time. They barely get any media cover. I've been to schools where kids will pull out a knife and use it, we had a convict run through our campus once, so forth and so on. I heard of schools here where gang fights will erupt, sometimes armed convicts will lurk near campuses, and other dangers happen quite often. Schools go on Lock Down constantly.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not really all surprise. Everyone is going insane lately, and it's not long before someone will snap and possibly harm someone.