So I got 3 codes for the Shiny Xernes event thing for Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS when they came out in Ireland about 2 weeks ago. I gave one to a friend, used one myself, and have a 3rd one to giveaway. Only problem is, when I scratched off the silver scratchy thing, some of the code got ripped so its kinda hard to make out. You can see pretty much all of it except 2 or 3 letters so you'll have to try and work it out. The code works on UK and Ireland consoles definitely, and I'm pretty sure it works on other Euro consoles (Including AUS and NZ). As far as I know, it doesn't work on any other consoles (NA/SA, Japan, China, Korea, etc) but you can still have it if you want. Spoiler: code as far as I can work out, the code is E64AR?X??4FFEY7D. Pretty sure it definitely starts with E64AR as the 2 other codes I got did. First person to figure it out gets the code.