Yo all, I'd like to request the help of any coders who are interested in this game. (I'm no coder unfortunately... so... I turn to you :P) Now as you may be aware on the Code Junkies site, there are a few codes for this game... But I'm hoping to find certain other codes such as: Max Charm Max Courage Max intelligence etc A freeze time of day code like what the PSP version of the game has would be an amazing thing too, any of those sorts of codes would be great, and anything else if you guys can think of it ;) Thanks in advance. :D Just to make a start, I'll post the codes found on the codejunkies site: (M) J1WK-VJ56-QZBVN 3GXG-GDUA-QYM1H Max Cash After Buying An Item 7346-5C0P-DY40G DV6V-86XK-JEQR6 Max Cash W1KW-UC8Z-18JPC KH10-VHHK-WXKQ4 Main Character Codes: GJ8V-K1J0-RRZ4V Infinite Health GPTH-J4GW-PXZQY ERKE-UWQ2-UW84C JW6E-KE1R-M27MN Infinite Health & MP K0XN-FUM7-K4V82 ERKE-UWQ2-UW84C JW6E-KE1R-M27MN 00AM-EP1U-MEE8U Support Character Codes: CDY4-KYGK-U3FMH Infinite Health 09F8-F5GB-0669W HCGA-PVQE-UVY53 TRKT-60KA-X10Q7 Infinite MP UJJH-UNXQ-4Q2NA EKNY-4Y5C-DRZHQ AT29-PUA4-3GXZW Quick Experience Codes: M5CA-663K-F242F 100 XP Per Fight D81T-24BY-18Y6E C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW NUBJ-D35F-B9Y2H 500 XP Per Fight T3RD-NBBM-V7K45 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 6JA1-1M78-T4U2X 1000 XP Per Fight P8U5-3M7P-GRJYV C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW MT69-9WPM-UR033 5000 XP Per Fight 1Y6X-QV4R-2P837 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 3286-CK21-7F8GH 10000 XP Per Fight 08JY-1PH7-NR86X C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 74JF-FWMV-NKZDW 50000 XP Per Fight YJPE-YE88-G13H7 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW UXBZ-DX72-2NWB3 100000 XP Per Fight 6CXJ-A4U2-MXWN2 JZ1W-9T8Q-RB330 FH4Q-QD5Y-HQGBA 500000 XP Per Fight 4YQY-ACY3-CJG39 UFZN-190T-QUYC3 6JYF-1CTZ-MTD46 Max XP After A Fight Q8FP-F0C2-5KM6J C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW H4FP-EH0H-1481U EXP Gain x2 11A2-0H9B-8PV4E C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 8MFU-C5AH-WM887 EXP Gain x4 KDBW-61HQ-QB69C C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW PJF6-JQU5-7RPAX EXP Gain x8 2PR7-RECE-80R9H C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 2P0M-ZZHJ-FQTCZ EXP Gain x10 413F-EBGR-E0EP5 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW NBNV-DDH3-V3FX1
these codes are from lee4 from CMP Academics Stats Max 108385E0 000003E7 Charm Stats Max 108385E2 000003E7 Courage Stats Max 108385E4 000003E7 Party Mod Codes Party Member 2 1083CA60 000000?? Party Member 3 1083CA62 000000?? Party Member 4 1083CA64 000000?? Persona Compendium Book Codes Have All Personas (Compendium Book) (CB7+, GSv4, XPv4+ only) 408391D0 00A9000D 00010001 00010000 Persona Max Stats 408391EC 00A9000D 63636363 00000000 408391F0 00A9000D 00000063 00000000 S.Link Codes All S.Links Max (Including JPN Writing) 108385F6 00000A0A 408385F8 00070001 0A0A0A0A 00000000 S.Link cant be Reverse 2017317C 10000012 Tartarus/Abyss of Time Codes Monsters Cant Move 101C89C0 00000000 Enemy are Afraid 201C7E8C 24020000 You never tired 2016EE04 24130002 2016F070 2405001F Always Good Stats (Affects Full party) 2016F078 A46FC66E 2016F0A4 A46F0000 2016EFA8 A4600000 Skills Don't Decrease HP/SP 202D9CCC 1000005A Always Analyze Enemy 20202858 14000016 Debug - Show Calendar Portal (Press Select+L3) E004FFFC 007e2b42 21169660 00000001 20100718 00000000 20100724 00000000 20100728 00000000
Thanks Evilman_89 for getting those, and thanks to Lee4 for making them etc :D That actually covers most of the things that would be needed for this game already lol, All I can think of thats left is like I said before, a freeze time of day code and anything else any coders can think of. Keep em coming guys! Anything that can be found or made would be great! Yo, Sorry to be a pain... but I've realised... I dunno how to convert these to be used with ARMAX... Can somebody help me out here and convert these? Cheers in advance.
here they are, all converted, except for the party mod codes, i don't know the x values and couldn't find them for whatever reason. Academics Stats Max ZNAB-EA4U-2RRT0 N8Q6-TU09-AQA3M Charm Stats Max JBC6-XU6X-FNU0J NRXE-XH3H-C26VP Courage Stats Max HUXC-KA9B-1PQM1 EHNE-0M0H-F3AYB ersona Compendium Book Codes Have All Personas (Compendium Book) (CB7+, GSv4, XPv4+ only) 4ZYY-RUWN-QAJN9 4J2H-M3CE-4Y6VC 6VHW-ZHPT-4H24G Persona Max Stats 904X-0DYN-RKFUZ C437-NXVH-7X6F0 6VV6-2QYC-J8GCP 6EC9-RV01-415DK FNWR-ZDW9-YV884 S.Link Codes All S.Links Max (Including JPN Writing) 8VQZ-9FU9-KDV8Q RW86-0BT2-CC1UD W57Y-30RZ-NCWUV ZT10-HGVD-GXR6F S.Link cant be Reverse PHJ8-BDPK-XEUVQ 37FY-NPQC-8XDDC Tartarus/Abyss of Time Codes Monsters Cant Move 7YR0-2MMW-RJWHF D02R-EHVN-03BER Enemy are Afraid QXJP-UF4M-PUP5Q XDK3-96C7-FPGRT You never tired 46A3-2XDZ-AVEV8 AC5C-4QUJ-1WZ7Q ZJZ8-XCKB-Q4TCT Always Good Stats (Affects Full party) 1576-EX6P-FDKJ5 RCUV-4EEJ-GMB3Y D4BW-1BUT-2KHFY Z21W-7TJW-KMAJ6 Skills Don't Decrease HP/SP 4ZJ2-2KX8-UNWNH MUQP-QDPW-4JRK2 Always Analyze Enemy NVYU-697C-AA2JR W8PW-FXW8-T2XZ4 Debug - Show Calendar Portal (Press Select+L3) W0R4-U5QY-WQ65X WV4C-68FP-2N43Z W4NJ-6U4M-2PTGK M2HW-X7XD-Z1R11 YZD3-NQHF-CUX7N P0NC-AJAF-TPBQ2 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
Cheers! It's funny lol I'd actually just downloaded the convert thing and started to convert the codes myself just as I noticed the email saying you had done it :P Still... thanks again EvilMan_89 PS: I never actually realised that converting the codes could be that easy lol
Can I ask someone to convert this code to PAL for me. I've learnt to convert codes between things like RAW/ARMAX etc. But no idea how to do it between Regions... so if someone can convert the NTSC code for me into PAL (preferably ARMAX, but I can always convert later if need be) I'd really appreciate it. Time Of Day Stopper L1+L2=ON R1+R2=OFF 8GMZ-MC4C-Z8VPN 8JDK-4XN3-EA0V0 K3PY-9REZ-ETCHY MCJV-B8WB-XYRCC EHR2-EQWJ-5HFZK
How do you get them? I can probably at least do the PAL one. Then I'd just need to find someone to help with the NTSC one.