lol Xaale looks like Namine. Seriously though, I love it. Only thing is that Ray's right arm looks a bit off to me. Something about the positioning of the elbow. Other than that, great job.
I'm not technical like most kids these days, so I can't color on the computer. Outside the digital art I can though. :lolface:
I love the idea that Rayku's holding a cell phone. Lol EnV 2. Great job, I love how you drew Xaale and Rayku's eyes. Love it. :3
Xaale's hand is a bit too long, and Rayku's elbow seems...awkward, although I appreciate it's a different perspective. You might also want to rub out Xaale's hair and make her head a bit smaller xD Otherwise it's absolutely lovely :3 I adore the way you have Rayku looking right into her eyes <3
I just love your style of artwork. :=D: The only thing that buggs me is Rayku's left elbow. lol, it's been said. And Xaales chest looks weird. ._.
I actually d'awww'd. That is actually quite adorable, but like above people, the arm and elbow is a little strange. It's still awesome though. I like the way you of all people focused on Xaale's chest.