Chater 1 Life I lay on my bed, dreaming about when I was born. I was born in a log cabin. My mother was beautiful. My father was a hunter. He was able to get food from deer and wolves. One day, when I was two,ome man came and attacked my family. "We got them trapped, they can't run." They yelled. I didn't understand why them were doing this. Then they said "We must kill ever trace of the vampires, before they kill us all." I knew my family were not vampires. I looked at my dad and saw he was a vampire. I started to cry, I didn't understand. "What do we do eith the child?" They looked at my mom and said "The mother looks human, let them live. Kill the vampire." My mother ran in front of one and killed one by bleeding him to death. "She's a werewolf. Kill both of them." They kill both of them. "Is the child one too?" One man hook his head. "No, she is human." They picked me up and walked me to an oprananage. I looked back and saw my home was burned to ashes. "This child lost her mom and dad in a fire. Will you take care of her?" A young woman nods. "Do you know her name?" The man hook his head. "No. All we know is her birthday." The woman found a piece of paper that had a name on it. It said, Rika. "How about I call you Rika." I smiled at the name. The woman smiled at me. "You name for now on is Rika." She grabbed me into her arm and took me to the kids room. "You will make good friend here." I woke up from the dream.
it sounds like you have a good idea for a story going! i have some advice if you want some... it would make the story both longer and more interesting if you added more detail ^^