Here's a new one And it appears it will be properly revealed at Gamescom because of this description: "Do you know they are watching? Your power is rising Cologne, Germany You've Been Chosen" And Gamescom is in Cologne, so it seems reasonable.
Certainly not worth having three teaser trailers for. A generic hack and slash MMO with a generic title. No thank you. I'm not worried about them "doing what the fans want". My question is, who actually thought this was worth doing in the first place? Hopefully their upcoming Star Wars is like KOTOR and not an RTSMMORPGMOBA or whatever else they think "PUSHES THE ENVELOPE"
Reeks of generic, and i'm a Bioware fan, who would love almost anything they'd do. I even defend The Old Republic for its storytelling and cooperative gaming. I blame this on EA (obviously) for demanding all their games in development to have a multiplayer/online aspect of some sort. It constrains options if you have to have something in a game. I'll give it a wide berth for now, but I'm already worryingly bored. Still, I think there's one unannounced game still up in Bioware whilst the next Mass Effect is obviously being worked on. And of course, Dragon age is only a few months away. There's still options out there.
Given their insistence that the decision was made to redirect efforts towards their other IPs, I'm hopeful this means BioWare employees are just being shuffled around and not laid off. And hell, anything that gets the next Mass Effect in my hands sooner I'm okay with.