This is one of the few games I can never play because of the emotional decisions you make in the game. The other being Heavy Rain, though admittedly I watched both being played. This game is art to a T. It's a short game, only about eight hours long, and most of it is traveling and fighting bosses. There's no other things to fight. It's about Wander, a man who with his horse Agro goes and tries to bring his loved one back to life. To do this, he gets the help of a voice named Dormin who says it can only help if Wander kills the sixteen colossi. I won't give away the ending nor what happens with them colossi, but it is emotionally heart wrenching to watch. Just the final Colossus for me starts me crying, not including the end. It's a beautiful game and deserves much more recognition it gets. Anyone else play it?
SotC is a game I shall never forget. It's a beautiful game with a heart-wrenching story. Despite its briefness, I can never forget my moments in that game. Just climbing onto some of these Colossus was epic enough and the taking them down is just even more epic. Especially the last one. If you thought they were big, boy you haven't seen the last one. The ending really left a deep impact on me and I hope they can pass on the same feelings on their next game, The Last Guardian.
The music alone for the last Colossus causes me to get teared up. It's so haunting and beautiful. One of my favorite creator of top tens put it best in his video of top 50 soundtracks, the way he puts it makes you feel exactly what you should at the final boss of this game. I unfortunately can't post the link due to MASSIVE spoilers in it, but the final boss and the events leading up to it is something I will never forget, especially when the ending comes and you realize exactly what those events foretold. If anyone wants a link to it, message me and I'll be happy to send it.
The ending was heartbreaking to watch, especially since the game was so grand and beautiful. The music leads you to believe you're doing the right thing though it feels wrong. The fact that the colossus are mostly harmless and you are killing them just for me makes me sick to my stomach. I could never really play the game because of that.
I just want to say that I love this game for the fact that it actually managed to make every single conflict really epic and mean something, where as in many other games you'll constantly just be killing off crowds of dudes and not feeling any sort of threat: they're slowing down progress and nothing else. Not in Shadow of the Colossus!