Just finished it. Thoughts during the final boss fight? "Robo-Chernabog is going to eat me!" That was a beauty of a game though.
Love the game. Played it many times over. Lot of people don't like it since it is all boss fights and you have to travel so far to get to most of them, but that's why I love it. I appreciate the artistic side of it, sometimes I'd just ride around looking at all the scenery. I still have yet to play ICO and I hope The Last Guardian will be as good.
This is the first time I have heard of anyone not liking it. I am waiting for the HD collection to come out since I lost both Sotc and ICO.
Yes you spend a lot of time between Collosi. But damn, I ride around on the horse getting lost in the scenery for hours. And I don't know how many times I've died because I love how the Collosi are rendered in such detail.