"Sex, Sex, Sex, So Don't Forget The Violence"

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by HellKitten, Oct 6, 2008.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Okay, so the other day, I was talking to my dad about Brian Hugh Warner(Marilyn Manson), and he didn't like the name because he obviously took Manson from the famous serial killer Charles Milles Manson, so I brought up that Warner chose his nickname to show the iconic different in society today, and after my dad told me that in Europe(Belgium and Germany to be exact) that they don't like violence and have the view that we have on porn. There used to be a shhow in Europe and it was a game show, and whenever someone got a question wrong they would have to take off some part of their clothes, and in the end everyone took off their clothes anyway, and they don't find anything wrong with it. Neither do I.
    For the United States and pornography or anything sex related for that matter, is viewed as a dirty thing. Even the Church has standards against it.
    But violence is something different for us. I see violence in basically every show here in the U.S. even in simple children's programs such as Spongebob.
    How ever, we can't show any sex on television, since kids aren't sexually mature.

    We view violence as something funny on TV. Sex is something BAD though. I have only seen one show that has sex in it(south park) and my dad viewed that as wrong. Yet, we watch movies with gore and blood and don't find anything wrong with it. Except what they may be doing is a little cruel. I find violence worse.
    What are your views on this?

    Title © Marilyn Manson and the Scary Kids
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, the reason for being against porn....its because porn, surpasses the boundaries.

    and therefore its for adults...which can reason right from wrong, you show porn to a kid, lemme give you an example.

    a child saw a glimpse of a porn movie in wich a man....he licks.....you know.

    and then, when he saw a birth tape, after the kid is born, the mother starts explaining to the child

    "and after the child is born, they start cleaning the mother".

    and the kid interrups

    "yea mommy, the doctor cleans it up with his mouth"......>.>....this is veridic.

    now, another thing is the fact that people should treat sex like it should be treated , not some unspeakeable taboo.

    but you are right in the part of violence.
  3. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Violence isn't a good thing, but allowing another bad thing won't make it any better. Duh.
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