Seven Days of the Spiral

Discussion in 'Archives' started by The Joker, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Seven Days of the Spiral
    Alternate title: Seven Days of the Crooked Spiral
    “They are the Legion of the Damned… God help them.”
    “It begins where it ends and it ends where it begins.”
    Kind of connected to Crooked Walls and maybe other stuff I‘m doing…
    Click on the link to read Crooked Walls. You‘ll still get the story even if you don‘t, but it may be more fascinating to know a few connections:

    Day I: Arrival
    I arrived, and yet this town felt bad. Worse then bad, horrible. I wouldn’t of wanted to be here if I didn’t have to be. I don’t know what we go by in your part of the forever loved earth, but for now I’ll call ourselves/myself Squad X. I’m but a member, and yet I feel that this mission was both a test and… more. Like this town. Nobody else could be called out, so they sent me. We deal with stuff, I’ve said more then I should have but I feel these will never be found. They clone us, funny huh? We’re just soldiers, following orders. That’s all the Nazis did in a way, yet they did them willingly. I wander if I have a choice. Did I ever have one? Looking back now, I should of seen the signs. The way the people looked in the shadows of the buildings as a left my escort and took residence. I didn’t think I’d leave this town then, and I don’t think Ill leave it now. My soul is crooked.
    -Entry ends with laughter that sounds like its both one and many. Legion.

    Day 2: Why are We in Hell?
    “Why do we suffer?” I don’t know why, but these words were spoken into my mind as I awoke. I shuddered, but thought it was just nerves. The town is dead. Needs to lay babies. I read once, I think it was about Wasps. They lay their babies inside there prey right? When the babies hatch, they eat and eat and oh God, faddah that is in Heaven, they eat. The prey isn’t always dead by then, ether. Maybe it was spiders, I don’t know. Whatever it was, it reminds me of this town. The walls sound like maggots, and they are all crooked every morning I awake from now. Crooked. A hotel burned down, and during reconstruction they made planned to… expand. This wasn’t the first time it was expanding. The hotel was on the town border, and the border itself was expanding. Death was expanding, and I think I’m part of Death now. Maybe I wasn’t then, but now I’m… crooked. Water was found under some room where the fire was supposedly started. I hope whoever started that fire is safe. Water runs in the shape of what it runs in, right? This water, it ran in our souls. Our souls our spirals, always and forever spiraling down and down and crooked and betwixt and between. Running through the cracks of the Crooked Spiral, lies insanity. The Spiral is insanity. The spiral is us. We are Legion, for we are many. Maybe if I try I can think separate long enough to do this… it’s so hard, though.

    Day 3: Suspicions
    Nothing much happened that day, just taking measurements. As soon as I saw how high they were, I should of ran. I didn’t though. The maggots sing there chorus in my ears and the rats run free, but oh sweet jays-us among-us, I think the rats are maggots. They feel this place is bad, like we do, but also like us, they ignore there instinct. The maggots get them, and they chase us down. Like dogs, except dogs have souls, right? Dogs have rabies, too, and I think we have rabies. If we do, they turned it crooked. We did. Heard sounds outside my door. Heard water running, spiraling with a crooked smile as the Jester laughs. What Jester? The Jester? Where do these thoughts come from? I’m breaking, and the pieces fall. We all end up in the same place, though. In the spiral. Because here we’re all (in)Sane.

    Day 4: Something… Just not Human.
    We’re something... just not human. Was I ever one? The old saying “Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?” thing comes to me, and I am crookedly proud to say before our laughing father, be he Legion or French Foreign, that I am washed in the blood of the clown. The source of all this blood. The stars are the blood of the Gods, yet nothing except his blood shines here. Is it really blood, though? We’re all bleeding insane.

    Day 5: Calm Before the Storm
    Feels calm today, the town preacher held a parade in honor of the expansion of the hotel. Religious nut jobs. I may need some saving now, though. Heard water again in dreams. Blood. Insanity. Legion. Crooked. End entry.

    Day 6: Found Out
    I was found out yesterday. I just found out, and I didn’t get to appraise the information too long, ether. I saw them. Naked. Saw the Devil through Legion, looked him in the eye, and I blinked. I blinked, they charged. He charged. I charged. They were besides the water source, I believe it has grown… into a lake. A mouth. Grinning. My eyes are now crooked like my soul, so I can’t recall. Ha! Ha! Ha! Must remain (in)sane. Poison drenched my body now. They were besides the… crooked mouth… they were being washed like I was in my dreams. It rinsed my brain, it rinsed there bodies. I don’t know why. They saw me, and they weren’t human. Nope. They glowed, they laughed. They said one word, evoked God’s name. His name is Jester. I ran, because then I still felt sane.

    Day 7: End
    Sitting now, hid for a day-aya-day. Whoo! Ranting and raving like a dead dog taking a smog in his momma’s bog. Ha! I hear them, marching the merry wedding march, or is it the funeral march? What’s the difference? They both symbolize the death of a soul! I stifle my laughter, but I know you, voice recording diary, oh you, will hear it. Maybe they won’t. Who am I kidding? I am them! Whoo-hoo! Covered myself in poison. When they drown me, like I know they do, I want to poison that mouth. Want it to die. Want it to-mouth becoming numb, at least my face isn’t dumb. Oh, yes it is! Tingly wingly like mamma’s pingly and dadda’s dingly! I hear the door open, and hide this and pray to Jester. Amen, hallelujah.
    Excerpt from the next day’s newspaper. Special run: Strange visitor, no record of entering this town, was found dead in the reconstructing site of our beloved town’s hotel. Poison, judged to be suicide. Found by the preacher who was helping out to set a good example for the young ones. (See reward given to him on page 3) For a body just found, it was strangely infested with maggots. Story continued on page two.”