I've been trying to figure out how this is accomplished. Does anyone know how? I know it's possible, since this popular YouTube user that I'm subscribed to sets videos to upload while he's away on trips and stuff. Here's a recent video saying he has videos in the lineup: [video=youtube;3h1K3mwrkpE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h1K3mwrkpE[/video] Thanks in advance.
I don't think you can. You can do "Live Stream" and upload mulitple videos that are lined-up and that's about it. He's probably uploading multiple videos so once the first video is done uploading it will go to the next one you selected and so on.
That would make sense for a day trip, but he was away for a few days once (or maybe more, I can't remember), and videos uploaded to his channel every day. I'm confused now.
What you can do Amaury is upload videos, set them to Private and put a timer on them so that they appear public on a certain date.
I'm stunned knowing Amaury watches Seamus. Still yeah. You need to be partnered with Youtube to get the scheduled uploader.
I'll have to give that a try, but it probably won't work, given Llave and Ace's responses below. The only other person is my mom. :x Thank you. Why would you be surprised? He's a funny guy. I've watched his let's plays for Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Anyway, since the main question has been answered, this can be closed now. Thanks, guys!
You can schedule videos for uploading by using this tool: Download Here If the above link doesn't work, then just go to the developer's page and download the latest version (version 15) from there: http://code.google.com/p/ytuscheduler/ What you downloaded is a .jar file. To run it you need to have java runtime environment installed in your computer, most computers have it installed but if you don't then just go here to download and install it: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Then you can launch the program and use it. If you have any questions please ask them here and I'll try to help you. Here is a video showing how the program works (the video might be a little older than the latest version therefore some things might have changed): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hXFH4mNctk