Setting the Stage: Picking a scene for Disney Corner

Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by Sebax, May 3, 2014.


Animation Station

Poll closed May 7, 2014.
  1. Grand Hotel

  2. House of Mouse

  3. End of the Worlds

    0 vote(s)
  4. Cafe Disney

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney

    • [​IMG]

      If you just wanted to stay somewhere like home, then why not stay AT home? The Corner Hotel isn't like home; it's something much more. Catering to all your needs, and the Character-Meet-and-Greet is a socializing dream come true.

      A big hotel with many rooms. You log in at the desk, get a room, and you get to visit with Disney characters of your choice. This one is a bit more in-depth. Don't want to RP consistently? Just send your character to their room and they can come out at any time.

      Main themes of this theme include: Large, open world, personal customization of your room, random encounters, specific places to go with Disney characters like the Dining Hall, Shopping Center, Poolhouse, ect.

    • [​IMG]

      Who's that knockin' at the House of Mouse? We're all rockin' at the House of Mouse. We're havin' a ball and rockin' the hall, so come win it all at the House of Mouse.

      All Disney characters are there right in one setting. Based off of the 2000's series of cartoons, "The House of Mouse", including all settings and focus on unique characters.

      Main Themes include: Open world, random encounters, immersion, and possible nostalgia from familiar surroundings.

    • [​IMG]
      ~ Hexin​

      You're surrounded by beams of light erupting from the ground. Each beam leads to one setting to fit the characters you wish to seek. Which radiant gleam will you choose?

      Main themes include: One-shot interactions at a time.

    • [​IMG]
      ~ O.KnightofTwilight​

      Fun for the whole Keyblader Party! Set in captivating, animated dining areas inspired by Disney films, enjoy a meal or just some light beverages just for you, your friends, and your Disney Guests. Please, be our guests.

      Much like "House of Mouse", only in more of wider time setting (Can take place in day and dark, rather than just night) and a different scene. Where you can chat with Disney stars over a nice cup of coffee and scones. Main themes: Coffee house atmosphere, inclusion of unique, new characters as Baristas, and quaint dining experience.
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  2. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    A cafe might be a nice addition. Maybe like "Fortune" from that Fate and Fortune rp you were planning on making; except make it a cafe instead of a family restaurant. Something to that nature anyway. I suppose it would work somewhat similar to House of Mouse, but with more freedom of movement, as it's not a fancy restaurant. That would also free up the time of day that you would be rp'ing at. For example, the House of Mouse was always shown to be open at night, whereas with a cafe you could have the time set at somewhere around early morning. Just an idea though.