serious compter problems D:

Discussion in 'Technology' started by HOSPITAL STAT!, Apr 12, 2008.

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  1. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    okay so heres the thing. As of late, my comp refuses to load, I get this blue screen which says something about the boot. It says I should make sure any new material I've installed is fit correctly, but thing is I haven't tried to install anything! I cant even get into safe mode. I can however, get into the setup right at the beginning when you turn on your comp. I'm really not into things like this and am totally lost, and calling a technition atm isn't an option.

    Surely I wouldn't have to format ;; I'm more concerned for all my PSD arts and stories which I stupidly didn't backup and WILL be needing in the future.

    *is on sister's laptop*
  2. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Well thats a big problem. You might not have to necessarily format your computer though. If your computer automatically sets a recovery point frequently, you could just try a system restore. Other than that, maybe something connected to your computer is loose. Try checking your equipment and such. I hope you dont loose all of that work.
  3. *Sora* Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 25, 2006
    Attack Helicopter
    Your motherboard malfunctioned. If you know how to flash the BIOS on the motherboard, do so. Don't ask me how, because every motherboard is completely different. Try finding a friend who knows how to do something like that or just call a repair shop..

    Also, sounds like it could be a harddrive or RAM problem. Try unplugging the RAM and plugging it back in. It's a very common problem when RAM just.. randomly comes loose.
  4. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    What you got is the Blue Screen of Death. It means there is a hardware failure somewhere that is preventing your computer from functioning correctly.

    If you know anyone who knows what they're doing(ex. went to a computer school), call them and ask them to examine the inside of your comp to see if they find anything wrong; if you don't know anyone like that or are unsure just call a computer repair service or something.

    Don't worry about having to format your hdd, this shouldn't have anything to do with that =). If you can't get your computer up and running again, you can take your hard drive out of your computer and upload the files to an external drive or several cds.

    Just a note; the Blue Screen of Death is common in older computers; if you have an old computer (I guess year 2000 and before), you might want to consider getting a new computer.

    Hope I helped, you can PM me if you need any help, I might be able to help you.
  5. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    The problem about calling a repair service is that they eat your money up, money which we don't have at this moment.

    I tried everything I could /except for opening it up/ but I still cant get it to run, but thanks a lot for the effort guys. I'm just relieved that I SHOULD be able to save my stuff, so not all is lost! <3 Thank you Carbuncle!

    Though hopefully I can take it to school and the techi guyz could have a look. So everything should be okay in the future.

    Thanks again.
  6. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    like *sora* said, open it up and look at the RAM, if you don't know what it looks like then here:


    make sure its in it's slot securely, are you able to get into your BIOS at all, or does it go blue as soon as you start up the computer? if you can go into your BIOS, I MIGHT be able to help you....
  7. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Check the motherboard's fan, the G card's fan, the power supply's fan and any other fan you may have in your machine. Make sure they're working properly after a few minutes after you turn on your pc. Well, I had about the same problem and one fan wasn't working alright, and as a result the motherboard was overheated and showed me this bsod.
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