Semi Awkward Moment of the Day

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Scarred Nobody, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I don't go to the club much anymore, and I didn't seem myself as much as a stand-out member, mostly because I'm not a big fan of a lot of the anime they like. But me and this guy who is a leader of the club, whose nickname is Token, sometimes see each other in the cafeteria area (my campus has an all-you-can-eat style place) and we have lunch together. We usually just shoot the ****, talk about anything that comes to our mind.

    I can't remember how we got on the subject, but we brought up my heart condition. Then, out of nowhere, he said "I would be sad if you died".

    I was kinda taken back. I didn't really see myself that good of a friend, we hardly hang out outside of having lunch, so saying something like that sort of caught me by surprise. When I asked why, he told me "I'd miss all the existential conversation". Again, it's odd, because I didn't think our conversations got too deep. Sure, we talked about storytelling, anime, and some other stuff, but it never hit me that our conversations mattered so much.

    I dunno. I feel a bit like an ass. I always just saw us as "acquaintances". I didn't think we were "friends" because I never made too much of an effort to be a friend, and that's how I am with a lot of people. But it was nice to know that someone took our small interactions as a sign of friendship.
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Listening to this while reading what you wrote certainly does wonders.