Her songs are awsome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8uPvX2te0I WHY DO I STILL WATCH DISNEY CHANNEL?
I will say that Selena Gomez is probably the only Disney Channel actor/actress that I"ll ever respect/defend. She does have a good voice (although her music isn't my style) and she is a very good actress. Sometimes you have to do some crappy roles to either pay the bills or get noticed. I did like the Wizards show when I used to watch Disney, but it became too childish for my taste. I was forced to watch her stupid princess movie and she did pretty well with what she got (and I cannot say the same for the other girl). She's a good actress who needs to get her butt off of Disney Channel and onto some more serious/better roles. [/rant/tangent/somethingidon'tknow]