Im sorry-I know there may already be treads like this and this is a sensitive issue but I kneed help... Everything is going wrong for me-I'm not gonna get into the details why im just going to say its my family. Yesterday I slit my wrists and today I had to stop myself from throwing myself off a bridge.the only reason I didnt is because I could do that to the people I love-I need help before I do something else stupid,sorry for the bad grammer and spelling but im scared,stressed and fuucked up. Little help? please?
Details help, otherwise we can't say anything more than the generic suicide stuff. Even so, don't go killing yourself, because once it's over, it's over. As long as you're alive, it can get better. Now if you've set yourself up to die, then you've got a whole lot of avenues of opportunity suddenly opening up, because you're at the bottom, and can't sink any lower, so you might as well try to fight tooth-and-nail to get higher. To use an tried and true example, take the Jews from the holocaust. They hid in enclosed spaces for months on end and lived off mere scraps day-to-day. If you're in the face of death, then suddenly pride, embarrassment, shame and envy mean a whole lot less than trying to survive. And if there are situations that are threatening your life (including you taking your own) you can literally do whatever it takes to get out of the situation and survive. Family problems? If you can't bear it, run away from home and get taken in by the government. Sure, you might be sent back. Then you keep trying. If you've decided to die, do whatever you can to improve the situation first.
Not to seem rude, but...suicide never solves anything. Why? Because while death seems like the perfect way out of all of your actually makes more problems for the people that lived around you. I don't know what's going on in your life, but everyone has their own problems that they have to overcome. Recently, someone I knew died in a car crash. They never planned on dying, it just happened. And for you to be able to want to take your life so willing disgusts me. If this is rock bottom for you then all there's left is up, right? It would be nice if I had some details to go by so I don't have to assume that you're one of those suburban teenage emos that really have nothing to complain about thought.
Where would you get the idea that im "one of those suburban teenage emos that really have nothing to complain about" Um...If I was I would have probably flung myself off a bridge by now,dont you think?! Everyone values life differently-Don't you tell me how Disgusted you are at me!! I DONT CARE!!! Oh and I'm so sorry to be in a ****ed up place-im sure im the only one and im sure I should be ashamed of myself!!..Yeah Whatever!! :nerve:
I think with some more details (not much) we could help more. I know many people who have tried to commit suicide over the years including my fiance who ended up in hospital a few times due to a very very bad childhood. (cant say as its very personal) But I've found that once you can see that there is more in life and that there are some good things even when everything around seems so dark and horrible then you can start a fresh new life and find people who really care about you, there are people out there who will help you, there should be a local err place dunno what they're called that may be able to help you with your thoughts of suicide. Take a look around where you are and try and make some new friends or go and hang out with the ones you already have, I know that certainly helps when you've got family issues because I have a hell of alot of those >> . But If you are able to keep your mind off what is causing you to suffer from this , and build up your mental state to a place where you feel stronger and more willing to face the problems then you can overcome this, I know thats hard but if you find some people along the way to give you that little push in the right direction it will be easier. Sorry if that didn't sound right or didn't help, you can always message me with your thoughts etc.. and I will try to help the best I can :) Tom
After viewing the whole HWL section, I think I have an idea of what's going on here. You basically feel like "FML" because your school life isn't going well, you're stressed, you're family is annoying, and your teachers are mean to you because of the way you dress.... take a deep breath and suck it up because unfortunately, this is life. If you don't like how teachers treat you because of how you dress either change it or deal with it. If you like dressing that way then don't pay attention to them. If your family annoys you, go for a walk or nap for a bit. It will calm you down. If you're stressed, miss school for a day and just sleep. Yeah, you're life may suck, but I'm positive that there are people around you that have it 10x harder! No, you shouldn't be ashamed. Just rethink how you've been looking at things lately. I think you might have a major case of "drama queen". It's common for teenagers, so it's not just you. I have too sometimes. Judging by how many times you've posted here, it makes me think that you might be depending on the forum's opinion a bit too much. What you need to do is figure it out yourself. There's this wonderful thing that teachers try their hardest to teach you in school, it's called PROBLEM SOLVING. It helps you come up with different solutions when something goes wrong. Yes the forum can give you good advice, but not if you post the same problems here. I've seen 2 or 3 threads in which you've stated the same problems. Soon people will get annoyed and stop commenting or just leave trollish comments. Interpret this how you want, but instead of getting insulted because you only read it one time. (how can i tell? because in the reply you didn't even correctly accuse me of what i said. Ex. the word ASSUME is used when describing you as a suburban emo.) How about reading it more than once and thinking about it before you get angry over what someone from who knows where makes assumptions about your life.
Ok, to be honest, I actually am inclined to agree with AL90, I think you focus far too much on the negtaive in your life and it is causing you to ONLY see the bad without thinking of the good too. I don't want to lecture you, but I think you need to seriously change your outlook on life, you want change but you're unwilling to put the effort in (see: your thread about being pale etc). It sucks when things go wrong in life, I can really understand you with that, but there comes a point where you have to pull yourself together and face it down head on. Don't let the **** drag you down, you're worth more than that, we all are, so next time you feel like you can't go on anymore, you tell yourself that you are worth so much more than taking the coward's way out. It would be so easy to end it all, but do you want to be remembered as someone who fought to live and survive even when it seemed all the odds were against them, or someone who was too weak to even try? I know which I'd prefer.
*Sighes* I have tried in fact I Am trying but im gonna have to do something that is like a bookmark,im not gonna cut myself again-the scars are only starting to heal...I think I should do something like temporarily Run away from home,shoplift some alcohol-Depending on getting cault,get arrested and ****-But at this point THATS the extreme (im no longer suicidal) I just need something...different....and reckless....stupid...very stupid....
No, what you need, to put it bluntly, is a good kick in the backside. How will doing something that ****ing stupid solve anything except make everything worse? I could tell you about my life right now, or about my past, and I know at least a dozen members on here who have had one hell of a ****ing ride too, but I'm not going to because this isn't a competition, but you seriously need to stop and think. You need something different so do something different, that doesn't mean it has to be stupid or reckless. I honestly think one of the best thing you could do right now is go outside and get some bloody fresh air, I think being cooped up inside all the time is causing you to get furstrated and irritable. If you want things to change, you have to make them change, it won't be easy, but if you really want to turn your life around you can do it, you just have to be strong. edit: Look, I don't mean to come off as agressive and cruel, but I've been where you are, I've been to the point where I wanted to kill myself or throw everything away and cause ****, and I don't want to see someone else in that place. People being nice to you will only work so far, I learnt that sometimes it is when people are blunt and direct that it has the best impact, it took a friend telling me they were giving up on me to make me realise it, I don't want that to end up being the same for you.
I knew someone in that state...god it was horrible he tried to get hit by a bus...hes happy nowadays...what helped him was his friends staying close and not giving up on him no matter how bad it got,..then he started seeing the value in all aspects of his just need to find something in your life that will show you the true value of it...even if it means giving up on something you THINK you need (for my friend it was love for a girl he gave up) and i've known the fguy I mentioned for 8 years...theselast few weeks i've NEVER seen him so happy
Man, I feel the same way. Probably for different reasons, though. I've been through a lot. I was having suicidal thoughts as well. But I stopped myself from even coming close to them by thinking about how many people I would upset: my parents, siblings, newly-born-nephew, my friends; the list goes on. But what sealed the deal was meeting someone who I think is the love of my life. Another thing that helps is music; listening to and writing. Music can really relate to you depending on who you are. Making music is even better; you can pour out your emotions into something creative. I think about all of those things, and the thoughts go away.
Well, firstly I would consider staying calm. Whatever it is that is making you feel this way is definitely something big, but guess what? We all have our issues... some of us have harder lives than others. The thing that is making your life hard right now, is YOU. You are simply taking a negative approach to everything, not in the sense of a skeptic questioning things, but the sense of a teenager denying everything and taking it to the next level. Give us details. We may be able to help you through whatever you're going through.
Fearless's Patented List Of Ways To Un-Emo Yourself 1: Take a deep breath. Deeper. YOU CALL THAT DEEP? Now breath out slowly. 2: Go Find a Pillow (And possibly a quiet place where no one can hear you). SCREAM YOUR LUNGS OUT INTO SAID PILLOW. Do it again. And again. And again until you feel like your done screaming. Or if your throat starts to hurt. That would also be a good time to stop. 3: What is your favorite thing in the world? Maybe you like to draw or skateboard or read? Hell, if you can't think of anything, go replay Kingdom Hearts. 4: Go get a few of your friends and rent your favorite movie(s). Have a movie night! Don't forget the popcorn. 5: Take care of yourself! Eat regular meals and get plenty of rest. Sometimes if your tired, things can seem worse than they are. If it makes it better, I know what your going through. I had suicidal thoughts a few years ago. It gets better, trust me. And if you don't trust me, trust this cat. Good Luck.
*3 hours of Bring Me The Horizon,Slipknot and singing along* *Sharply exhales through mouth* Music...Screaming...shouting the apocoliptical warfere that is mankind....Screamo Music...Emo Music...Screamo Emo music...Do you see where im going with this?....Im actually...happy...When I scream the lyrics that would make nuns cry blood....I found a vice....I honestly thank you guys enough...It seems fake as I write it-How quick it has changed happens right? EDIT-The crap that made me like...that is still going on,but now its different-Now I get to scream it into the microphone...
I hope you do feel better and if you want help in the future, you may want to just try explaining things a bit more so that people can assist you easier by helping you address the actual problems that make you feel so bad. It seems just a bunch of things piled on you at once and it sucks when that happens but definitely, you should not try to hurt yourself or worse. Life is worth living even if a moment in time sucks for a while. There's so much else to see out there. Ironically, listening to some good depressing music with shouting in it and singing along to it heart felt can make me feel better too xD It gets the frustration and anxiety and rage out. Good stuff. Another thing you might want to try to do is some Tai Chi or meditation of some sort. You say you need a change in things, but I don't think it has to be 'reckless' or negative so that it makes your life worse. Try doing something positive instead that uses up energy if you can and it may help you figure out things easier and deal with pain when these issues all surmount and become a mountain of crap. Maybe try doing some research project for yourself in an area of interest so that your mind has something else to focus on. Sometimes even just spending time outside has helped me out. At any rate, I am glad to see you feel better some and hope that continues. Good luck to you.
I'm glad that you decided aganist throwing your life away and remembered the people like your family and friends that love you. Taking your own life would not only be foolish but selfish because you would of left them that memory. So kudos for doing the right thing. Just remember if something bad happens, just know that it could always get worse. My advice to you is to tell someone you trust about your problems and find a way to solve it.
Glad to hear that you've changed your mind. I was slightly depressed at age 13, not pretty. Life is something that should be valued, and if past experiences have taught me anything,its to keep focusing on the positive. There is some, believe me. Its great that you've chosen to look past the pressures of everything and persevere. Keep holding up!! :)