The good side; You're just like lovely. Bad side; You fail to see the bad side of things if a lady's nugga nuggas don't have support. /personalthing to any other people reading that and thinking..'wut?' c:
When I said "Self evaluation" I meant to evaluate me and not you. D: Thank you guys, this is rather helpful.
Technically it's not self-evaluation if you ask other peoples' opinion >;3 But you're still awesome x3 And like me, from a country that is infinitely more awesomer than it's neighbor *coughswedencough*
You're awesome. You are quite witty and your posts often make me smile/laugh. I enjoy talking to you and you're a force to be reckoned with on DN game. Although if I have any bad things it might be that you can get a little cocky/big headed at times. But for the most part you're epic.
You obviously have an awesome avatar and you're a fun person to stalk. On the bad side, I don't like it when you forget to leave the window open for me at night D: It makes me cry.
(Good) You're a bro who plays WoW. You knew I was Red in Voxli. You like Warcraft (Bad) You don't play on Aman'Thul. Play on Aman'Thul. You didn't accept my realID request.
Well, your good side has a very business approach while your bad side has more of a deformed maniac appeal. Spoiler But at least you're played by Tommy Lee Jones.