Seeking Attention: Bad or good?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Mike, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Here comes my next "help with life" thread. I don't know how to really explain this, but I try to seek a lot of attention. Usually I feel bad about myself or I feel that I don't get attention at work, school or home. Sometimes, I get carried away and it really annoys people.

    I seriously can't help it because it has to do with me being depressed. Not having a girlfriend or a lot of friends may put me way down. If someone gives me a compliment, I’m only good with it for a few hours and then I start to feel down about myself again. I think it's a combination of just wanting attention and being depressed. I mostly react from this because again I don't have a girlfriend. In fact I never had one, so then I start to blame my personality and my looks. It's bringing me way down, but I feel it's totally true. I would actually feel like I’m ugly. It’s stupid, right?

    Here's another problem. My family hasn't had luck with miracles, so when I tell them I want to be an actor or voice over, they tell me all the time it won't happen. That also hurts. First they say it's the competition. I already know it's not easy, but why knock me down. I’ am aware of the competition, but going up there is something I enjoy. I want to entertain people. That's it. I totally want to be in the entertainment field, but when you get lacked because other people didn't have their dreams come true, it truly takes a toll. My Roxas dubs were made for the Japanese scenes that fans couldn't read. I thought my impersonation of Roxas' voice was good. It gave many people the feeling that the Roxas English va was talking. After receiving 100,000 views (not bragging at all, just saying), I felt great because fans were able to enjoy it and here my actual voice. I've also been told I've sucked at it, so that took a toll on me at times. I understand that not everyone has to like someone's work, but still there’s no reason to say that to someone. I don't know if any of you are sick of seeing my dubs on KHV, but as I post them, I have this great feeling that I entertained each and everyone one of you. That makes me feel good, but also the comments that I get from a lot of you also boost my confidence.

    People in my school wonder why I’m so negative or quiet. It’s really about being judged. I’m worried what people would think. I mean I still have my times of acting like a fool and making people laugh, but I didn’t know that my confidence or feeling depressed would get in the way during these past years.

    Anyway, I’m jumping all around here. So, I guess I have another random advice question to ask. What would you do if you were judged only because you liked a singer? Just because I like Britney Spears I would be harshly judged. Moving on. Is seeking attention bad or good? It can be in between, right? I mean, I don’t want praise at all. That’s horrible too, but is it possible for someone to feel lonely and not recognized for any good, except online?
  2. roxasrikusora King's Apprentice

    Dec 24, 2008
    Realm of darkness or Anti-Forms orb dont know
    i hear ya mike this happens to me all the time but stick to what you want to be and pehaps youll reach your goal
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I think I understand what you're getting at, because I'm similar. I have no problem letting my personality shine in front of people that I know very well, but I tend to shy away from others because I'm afraid of rejection. I'll sometimes do or say things just to have people focus me.

    You're human. It's natural to have feelings like this, but you can't get down on yourself for being down on yourself. It will just make things worse. You have to accept yourself for what you are, and understand that there's no way you can change what or who you are.

    Ignore your family's comments -- follow whatever dream you have. You only have one life, and you should live it instead of do what's safe or what your family wants you to do. They probably come down upon you for your dream of acting because it is a field that it is hard to get a job in and they just want you to make money and be happy.

    Looking for attention is not a bad thing. Like I mentioned before, it's okay to have feelings like that. It's okay to want to have someone appreciate you and you only for some time. But if you want to have a relationship with anyone, whether they be a friend or something more, means that you have to accept yourself and be content.
  4. DTCM Moogle Assistant

    Mar 17, 2008
    New York
    I have nothing to say because I've said enough to you over the years. The only thing I can say is that, I got a new bookbag, but my old one was one I got from a Youth Rally for Pope Benedict XVI. I used it in school to carry my school crap. People would say "Whose Jesus bag is that?" I say mine, and they'd say something like, "That's your Jesus bag? You believe in Jesus and God?" Like I care what they think, it's my religion and I love it. Same with my DTS sweatshirt. DTS, for all of you that don't know, stands for Dead Theologians Society. It's a youth group I participate in at my church, and people make fun of me when I wear the sweatshirt to school. I just let them say what they wanna say, and laugh. I could care less what people think. It's my religion, it's part of who I am. Entertaining if part of who YOU are Michael. You sure as hell have entertained me throughout our friendship! And who cares about a couple of bad comments on your DUBs. Bad comments can help you improve on your Roxas voice, make it even more amazing than it already is! Don't take the bad comments offensively, take them as constructive criticism, to help you along your path. I have faith that you WILL excell in the entertainment field, you're really funny, and a great singer! Just do what I do, let the people say what they wanna say, and just laugh.
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    If it was a litte kid, being spoiled, who I knew got attention, and was doing bad things for attention, I would say its bad. But I don't think you seeking attention is bad, expecially with your family bringing you down on the whole acting career. I think in this case its in between, because it might get annoying, but if your friends understand, then it won't be so bad. I don't have very many friends anymore, and the ones I have left are either really good, or the kind that hurt more then help. 95% percent of them are online. I think...if you feel that you are recognized for some good on the internet, then you could be in real life. Sometimes, depending on the situation, talking online can show who someone really is. People might be a little intimidated to talk to you in real life, because you're quiet. Don't worry about what your family says about your acting career, if you want to do it, then go ahead and do it, regardless what your family thinks. Don't worry so much about what people say, if they are saying bad things about you, then they aren't worth listening to.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    You are too tense with life and too worried about what others think and that you aren't normal. If you relax and instead try enjoying your life more, and stop trying to seek out attention, attention finds you anyway and probably it will be far better attention. Also, girlfriends aren't that hard to get. However, one thing you have to start to deal with is that depression of yours and desperation you feel. Most girls or guys do not want to be with someone who is self-absorbed, whether they are depressed or arrogant. It's just a fact. Most people won't want to be friends with someone who is always self-absorbed either. The world isn't all about one person and his/her problems. It's about much more than that.

    You aren't ugly. You aren't stupid. Your problem mainly stems on how you view yourself and well, in simple if you want to fix this, stop over analyzing yourself and instead look past yourself. If you want to 'look' better, go get a hair style, get some different clothes and change your attitude some so that you build up self-confidence. Be the person you -want- to be and not this person that says instead that he's lame. If you want to be more, you can be more. You just have to work at it.

    If you have goals in life, the thing to do is to try for them but also have a back up plan for if things don't pan out. Acting careers are pretty hard to get but they can be achieved. You also want to do well in school and such, pay attention to things around you and come up with something to fall back on while you wait for things to happen. Some parents had goals too when they were younger of wanting to be something like an actor or singer etc. However, it didn't pan out. They may be jaded and think it's just not possible. It's -very- hard to do, but you might be able to have it happen. Don't give up based on what others tell you. Give up when the time is right for yourself, or keep pursuing it. Just be smart about it and go for it. That way you aren't just a dreamer, but someone who plans for things and maybe your parents will tone down. If not, ignore them and keep your head up. They aren't always right and even if it turns out you don't get the goal, it still doesn't mean the trip to try wasn't worth it.

    I like things others think is 'uncool' and really, I feel like I don't give a crap about their opinions if they are going to razz me. Worrying too much about what others think just causes anxiety and stress that is just not needed in life. Be yourself. Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you like Britney Spears you do. I like some of her songs. So what? Some of those people making fun of you probably do too and they are just trying to fit in their little cliques so they say stuff to look cool. Ignore them and be an individual. I've learned in life to just laugh stuff off when it comes to people being judgmental. If they have a serious constructive criticism I can use to become a better person, sure, I'll listen but otherwise, I just move on because their opinions are their own and I don't have to listen to stupidity.

    In the end, accept yourself and stop worrying about what others think of you, good or bad. You will never live up to anyone's expectations and you cannot expect others to live up to your expectations. Expectations are crap and you'd be better off thinking on what you want to do, trying for it and building up self-confidence so that you can lose the depression. The depression is what is dooming you. Get over that and you'll someday find a girlfriend. Your friends will also understand you more. You don't have to have a smile on your face all the time but just don't take what others say so seriously so that it makes you loath who you are. If you walk through life and try to enjoy it more, change what you want to change to be the person you want to be, and accept that which you can't change so that you stop hating on yourself, you'll be far happier naturally and this negativity won't be standing in your way of living life. I hope you feel better sometime about yourself because you are a good person and you just really are way too critical of yourself. Get better, man.
  7. Tana_Panda Traverse Town Homebody

    I think you should just work on relaxing and definatly dont let not having a girlfriend get to you because i didnt have a girlfriend for a really long time and then all of the sudden i met this super amazing girl and now she is my girlfriend. anyway the point is things change fast so just enjoy yourself till they happen.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Be the invisible man for too long and you just might end up like Kim. Isn't there a drama club for you to join or something? That way you'll get attention, the possibility to make friends and training for what you'd like to do. It's killing no less than three birds with one stone.
  9. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    I feel the same in someways, too.

    If you're really starting to want to be in the entertainment business, try to be in theater or drama at school. It's really helped me with my self-esteem. It will help with you trying to achieve your goal in not only excersising your acting skills, but you'll be able to get the feel for an audition. Even if you don't want to preform on stage, it's still experience. Also when you get committed to it, you'll gain friends on the way.
  10. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    Well, you shouldent take your parents word for what you want to become, the most likely reason they say youre not going to make it is because they want you to have a "Good Paying" job and dont want to end up stuggling with money.

    Just follow what you want to do, that's all I can say.