I wasn't really sure where to post this, so I'll put it here. I'm not going to make this fancy or organized. I'm just going to say what I need to say and be done with it. I recently lost my best roleplay partner, and all of my characters have been lonely and neglected. So I'm seeking a new partner. I would like someone who knows both scripted style roleplay, as well as the traditional paragraph roleplay format. I also need someone who doesn't mind being a seke. I have seme and uke characters, so I prefer to roleplay with someone who also has seme and uke characters. My mood changes often, and thus the character that I use changes almost daily. I don't like to roleplay the same character for days and days. I get bored easily. I have ADD. So please, be fickle. But not too fickle, changing your mind every second, every few hours works though - dependent on my mood. I also like someone who's around a lot, as I am around a lot. I love to talk. OOC posts are just fine with me, and in fact, I love having a side conversation while we roleplay. My roleplays don't typically fit in one catagory. I do fantasy, war, romance, and such sorts of things. I will NOT do Twilight. I love vampires. Classic vampires. but Twilight is not happening, so don't even bother to ask. Other than that, I'll do just about anything you want. It has to have a romance flick in it, though. And yes, I'll do yaoi, yuri, and het, but yaoi and yuri for me are rare and I only do them when I'm in the mood. If I've been roleplaying with you a long while, I may let you talk me into one, but at first don't expect me to be in the mood for much yaoi or yuri. I love gore, and don't mind sexual scenes. In fact, sometimes I'm in the mood for them. It all depends on my mood. I'm a teenage girl, and our moods change quite often. I don't mind being the male or female, again, all depending on my mood. This is why I need someone fickle. xD I have fandom based roleplays that I'm also seeking partners in. I'm looking for a Light from Death Note (I'm an OC), a Lelouch from Code Geass (I'm CC), a Komui and a Lavi from D.Gray-man (I'm Miranda Lotto), Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts (I'm Larxene, but if you're a Larxene, I can also be a Marluxia), and a Beyond Birthday from Death Note (I'm an OC). I DO NOT like Hetalia. I will NOT roleplay Hetalia. Don't ask. It's just as bad as asking for a Twilight RP. I don't have any readily avaliable examples of my roleplays, but I can promise you that I'm very literate and drawn out, but I also can be semi-literate, just depending on the mood that I'm in. (For example, right now I'm in a literate mood. x.X) It would also be nice if said person had texting and was located in the United States seeing that I do a lot of scripted roleplays over text message. As well as Yahoo or MSN messengers. I do roleplay a lot if you're willing to. I'm rarely not in the mood for an RP. Some information about me/seeking in partner; I'm a teenager on summer break. I can't drive yet, but I'm not annoyingly young. I AM in high school. I'm very intelligent and expect my partner to have half a brain. I need someone I can be friends with. I don't feel comfortable giving my characters (or my phone number) away to people that I don't know; so please be willing to get to know me before you roleplay or at least get to know me while we start off. I'm in Central Time, so please (as stated) someone who's in the US is nice. Please don't be too much older than me. I'm in high school and anyone much older than 25 would make my parents flip. I don't care if you're male or female or goth or a prep. As long as I can befriend you and we'll be able to roleplay, I'm down with it. I'm very easy and laid back, and would appreciate someone who's similar to that. I know I'm asking a lot, but I'm hoping to find someone who can fill the spot, and this was the best place I could think of. :3 Thank you! Myu