I remember when I was sleeping and a buzzing woke me up. It was a carpenter bee. Thank god they aint aggressive ( ゚,_ゝ゚)
Why would you just let a wasp fly around your house? Do you WANT to be stung? They're aggressive and territorial as hell. One time there was a hornet flying around in my room. I had to make my dad kill it. ;_; Seriously bumblebees are the only nice bees.
I would sooner run and scream than sit there trying to ignore it. Srsly, im afraid of spiders and any type of bee. ;~;
Most bee species are actually completely harmless and do not sting if I recall correctly. And even then, only certain types of honeybee sting (e.g. the workers). The mechanism for honeybee stings is also slightly disturbing.
Aah, I wish everyone would not confuse wasps for hornets. Those things are horrible, but it is almost like saying humans are bonobos.
If they come into my room, I like to tease them. They always get so mad if you slap them with a book in the air. I love wasps, they remind me of an old friend of mine.