Secrets of Lunasia: Ether Wings

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Mythos, May 5, 2008.

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  1. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008
    I'm newer to this part of posts. ANyways, i'm gonna be a writer, and have already started working on some stories. Heres one of the parts in "The Secrets of Lunasia", Ether Wings. Its about a boy, on his 16th birthday, and the past 12 days he's been having weirrd dreams of angels and cloaked men fighting. He has an older brother, who's into conspiracies and stuff. HE tells his brother of the dream, and his brother relates it to ancient religions. THe next day, on his birthday, his families gone, and a creepy old man is humming a tune in his living room. HE finds out that he's a prince of a land in another world that is side by side with Earth, or as they call it, Punishment. The other World is called Paradia, and they get there by a secret transportation devise in the pyramids. After he befriends his supposed friendly country men, things turn for the worst. He finds himself surrounded b evil empires, and them all working together around him. THey want him to join, but he knows his purpose is for good. He escapes there bonds of darkness, and returns to his country. THere, he befriends his army, and a war begins. 3 main forces, fighting for good and evil, and the inbetween. IN the end, the boy is lead to the Valley of flames, and battles his enemy. But this isn't the end. 5 things create a person. A Soul, a mind, a body, a spirit, and a heart. THis is the first part.
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