Seriously Square, enough of this. B| Anyways, the artwork is apparently done by the same person who worked on Type-0(besides Nomura). Characters look interesting but there's really not much to say. Guess we'll see a release this Summer or at least some kind of announcement during the Summer. I dunno if it's related to this or this though.
fffff. Square, y u like to tease? Not much to say really, pretty short trailer but at least the Characters look interesting. Oh well, looks like we'll have to wait till Summer to get more information.
I really don't want to get my hopes up. This is probably a handheld or something for mobiles. That's really all I can think of.
Some people are guessing it's related to Crystal Chronicles. It does look like it'd fit for a mobile or something. >> That's been my guess. I don't really have high expectations from this "secret title".
Even if it is on mobile (which I can't play), it still looks pretty cool and the art is pretty. The music sounds like FF to me.
I have to agree that it doesn't seem to be anything to get one's hopes up about... for some reason it reminds me of those weird Square games they've got in the Apple App Store. :v The music is definitely typical of Final Fantasy games, reminds me a little of the games set in Ivalice. But I suppose we'll see.
A BROWSER GAME. B| Me no happy. Although it's art style has me interested. Square Enix Unveils Crystal Conquest Browser game begins service this summer.
Yeah, I'm guessing it's handheld as well. Although, you never know, it might even be an MM-*shot* I wonder if this is going to be another spin-off of Final Fantasy, or just another game they decided to put crystals in. I mean, I'm pretty sure it is Final Fantasy, but we have had spin-offs that have names that come close to not even be final fantasy Square Enix's Crystal Conquest -- Screens and Gameplay Details Versus?