School Uniforms

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Roxas is Hot, Sep 9, 2007.

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  1. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Many people have complained about their school not having any uniforms. They say that it reduces the amount of harassment/bullying in the school and it would apparently put an end to bomb threats and lockdowns.

    Yet, people say it's a violation of their rights. Some say that there's no point to uniforms, and it wouldn't help a thing. Others say they won't even wear them if that time comes, for it violates their Freedom of Speech.

    What do you think about school uniforms? I have to agree with the second paragraph...I wouldn't wear a school uniform if my life depended on it.
  2. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Well, in middle school I had to wear uniforms. It was clearly ANNOYING having to wear it. We had to spend money just for uniforms. We could've used the money for something better. The worst part though was that we had to tuck in our shirts. >_<
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    i had to wear uniforms all the time. i hated it because there's no idividuality. but now, my high school wears whatever they want!!!
  4. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    I hated uniforms... they were so damn itchy. Sure you don't get made fun of for the way you dress, but it just isn't worth it. I remember there was something called "uniform infractions" that if you got 2, you would get suspended. -.-'
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I think it's dumb.

    =/ I'd just get home schooled if everyone decided to go with uniforms. It's ridiculous.
  6. hikari93 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 4, 2007
    *Stranded in an Island*
    well you all are lucky cuz` I`m in high school (nineth grade)and I ll´ have to use the uniform till my graduation:(
  7. Xiii Roxxas iiiX Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 16, 2007

    My sister had to wear uniforms, and I despise them. Most of the time, for girls, it's a plaid mini-skirt with some ugly school shirt. If I wanted to wear that, I would do it myself. Fortunately, I haven't ever worn one for school. ^^

    Besides, no individuality. I like wearing the clothes that I go out and buy for ME to wear! I would hate having to change when I got home or only wear normal clothes on weekends.

    so, yeah. i could go on all day with this debate. :P
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Our uniform is awful. It makes us warm in the summer and cold in the winter, costs around £100, is heavy (I notice the difference so much on the rare non-uniform days), and supresses our right to expression of individuality. It even extends to our hair -__-. I perconally don't see the point in it. It is apparantly there so that we can represent our school and to create a 'working environment'.

    If you are not wearing your uniform properly you get a detention on friday afternoon with the headmaster. For things like hair they can ask you not to come back until you get it sorted out (i.e. dye/cut out an 'extreme' colour [hair has to be all the same colour] or cutting long hair [for boys that is hair touching the collar -____-]).

    I think that pupils would be much happier in casual clothes, parents would be much happier because they wouldn't have to buy an expensive uniform (which is also a method of selection as if you can't afford the uniform your child can't go to the school), and it would be allowing us our rights as human beings.
  9. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Back in the days at catholic school I had to wear them, which I didn't really like them but I didn't hate them either. Kids are always complaining about it, and really its not that big a deal. The main complaint that I hear about them is that they 'take away individuality' but you don't go to school to stick out and be noticed, you go to learn. And anything that helps that is fine by me. Once I hit middle school and high school I remember being quite distracted by what girls were wear and/or lack there of. I don't see the big deal about them, mine were fine not heavy or itchy. They were a pair of ****ies or slacks and a polo shirt you had to get from the school.
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The whole point is we don't have a choice of what to wear. A lot of the time I probably couldn't care less what I wear but I'd like to at least be able to choose.

    About being distracted by what girls are/aren't wearing there could be limits on how 'revealing' clothes could be.

    It's just I feel so much more comfortable in my own clothes. On non-uniform days it actually feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can run up and down 4 flights of stairs all day without dying >_>.
  11. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    *looks around desk* Where did I put that God-damn essay?
    Anyway, I think that scholl uniforms are bull. Kids should have the right to wear what they want.
  12. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Oh no, don't get me wrong, nothing is more comfortable than a pair of jeans and a Fox Racing shirt to me. I would much rather wear that than a polo shirt, but to me it just doesn't seem like a huge deal to wear while at school.

    And as for the girls, well there were dress codes for them, but no one ever really inforced them unless it was outrageously inappropriate. So compare going from seeing only ankles and knees in elementry school to being in middle school and girls wearing mini skirts. Who wouldn't be a bit distracted. Plus there is that part of everyone that say they have to atleast look presentable.
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    There's the difference between the cost of a polo shirt and a £50 blazer (£70 if you want a woollen one >_>). Add to that shirts, trousers, black shoes and the tie and you find you have a rather hefty bill.

    Also, coats (like raincoats) have to be official school coats. No denim, school scarfs etc. It's like living in a police state >_>
  14. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Damn, thats hell of alot different in the UK. We never had to have a tie, coat, raincoat or anything like that. It was just a pair of navy blue slacks, and a school polo shirt, and for the girls it was a plaid skirt.

    In this case then I feel your pain on that, thats a crap load of money down the drain.
  15. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I've been weering school uniform ever since kindergarden,so I'm used to it already.

    But what really bothers me is that the skirts are so damn long and it gets even worse in summer.
  16. Heaxrt17 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 22, 2007
    I have been wearing school uniform during all my life, and I'm still use it. I don't like it. :( I want to wear my own clothes.
  17. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I don't recall ever haveing anything close to a uniform until my Junior year of high school. Before that it was the usual, 'No ratty jeans, no drug/alcohol images on shirts, no profanity etc.' that sort of thing.

    But the summer before my Junior year, we got a letter from the high school I went to. I knew about the dress code but I didn't know it was going to a an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with the dress code on both sides. This was imposed by the bishop of our diocese.

    I remember the Middle School petitioning for uniforms it was so bad.

    I don't remember everything on it but I do remember a few things.

    -Girls skirts had to be the length of their arms when held to their sides.
    -Graphics on shirts had to be 3" x 3"
    -Shirts with tails had to be tucked in
    -NO BLUE JEANS Colored jeans were fine.
    -Shirts had to have a collar on them. (Girls could wear fitted plain tees)

    There were more but I don't remember them now. But what I do remember is the difficulty my Mother and I had with finding clothes that fit into the standards of this dress code along with all the other parents buying clothing.

    Now I was in the middle of my Goth phase so I didn't really wear jeans all that much. Really my dress was black pants, black fitted shirt, and my boots. I missed wearing my black addidas jacket I lived in for my Freshman, Sophomore year. Since the building was basically cement blocks and brick. It retained the cold from the winter and the heat from the summer.

    With this dress code, a good chunk of my classmates transferred to other schools in the area. To give you an idea of this chunk, we came in as one of the largest Freshman classes Wausau Newman had ever known. By the time the class of 2004 had graduated, we numbered 32.

    Now I'm in college and there isn't a dress code. I'm not one of those that goes in pajamas to classes. Jeans, comfortable shoes, a tee-shirt and a sweatshirt depending on the weather. It's rather nice to be comfortable while learning.

    I agree with spitfire, you don't go to school to be noticed or to stand out. You go to school to learn and be taught. Dress codes do cut down on bullying over the clothing styles you wear. Not saying it cuts it down entirely but it reduces it quite a bit.

    My two cents on the matter.
  18. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    I have to put on a school uniform and the worst thing is the ties, those things are so annoying.
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    One good point I just thought of for school uniforms is that they prepare you for later life, because in many workplaces you have to wear a uniform of some description.

    If nothing else, you'd learn how to tie a tie ;D
  20. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Well, at my school, we should just have uniforms. Our dress code is so strict. Like, the girls cant wear tank tops, belly shirts (of course), Shirts that are too short or show some of your back, the girls cant wear shirts unless the sleeves are 3 inches wide and they cant wear shorts unless they are six inches long, longer than your middle finger tip when your arms are at your sides, or an inch or less above the knee.
    Nobody can wear chains on their clothing because it's "hazardous" and no one can wear scarfs(girls) to school and we cant have piercings anywhere but the ears. Which mean if you have your nose pierced, you have to take it out and then it closes up so you wasted your money. Of course our "undergarments" cant show or we get a detention and depending on what you got in trouble for, lets say your shirt or jeans, you have to wear an ugly shirt that says the school name and wear red sweatpants like MC Hammer would wear from 20 years ago. Yeah they kept them that long.
    My school is very strict when it comes to the dress code but they let the High Schoolers off a bit, Yay me!
    Anywhoo.. They should just have uniforms in the first place, I wouldn't mind at all. I'd feel more like Kairi. =] Yes I'm obsessed!
    The school tried to get uniforms but couldnt for some reason.. I think it was because they werent a private school or something.. I dont know.

    I wouldnt mind at all though. Even though some people would be ticked. Some of you say you would have no individuality, I know everyone likes to be themselves and project who they really are. And I respect that. But uniforms reallly do stop all the bullying for those that do.. Like one girl, she's gothic..well.. sorta.. and she is always made fun of and I feel bad for her. Sometimes I think the people making fun of her are too uncomfortable with themselves. Hmph.

    Theres this girl at my school, one of my "friends", and she teases me because I have colored plain Tees that I wear everyday, of course they're different colors, but I dont have all that much money to go shopping, kay? Anyways.. she's always like "Sarah, pink's the color today huh?" and then I'm like, "Yeah.." and she does it everyday but with a different color and then she tries to guess what color I'll wear the next day. It must be some kind of "game" she plays because she's bored with her own life.

    Sorry, totally off topic there. Now.. Back on topic- I just think, from personal experience, uniforms wouldnt be all that bad and stop the bullying and what not at schools. (Plus if my school had uniforms, we'd have white and blue.. Just like Kairi!!.. Shut up, I know I'm obsessed.)

    Yeah that's probly the longest post in this thread.. heheh.
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