school of the magi

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by mastergamer, Jan 25, 2008.

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  1. mastergamer Merlin's Housekeeper

    my friend wanted to put this on here. its going good on the other sight its on


    Perched atop a rocky cliff bordering a stormy sea is a magnificent and very ancient stone castle. The walls are covered in creeping vines, and the cobbled floors are filthy and unimpressive after years of being tread upon by the thousands of teenagers that have resided in the castle in the past. The castle is a boarding school for young Magi, half-human, half-animal creatures that have magical skills.
    The first floor of the castle holds all of the fighting classes. A burly, muscular teacher can be seen demonstrating defensive techniques to a group of nervous students in one of the many courtyards. The second floor contains less physical studies, such as History of the Magi and Theories of Magic. In the History of the Magi class, an attractive woman is giving a lesson.
    "Many hundreds of years ago, the Magi first discovered Magic, and used it to help better their lives. There was one major drawback, however; the Magi, once completely human, began to change. Their bodies became more and more like that of specific animals. This was the consequence of their use of Magic.
    "There are four orders of Magi: Canus, Felinus, Avus, and Serpentus. The Canus order resembles wolves. Their skin is hairy, their ears are furry, pointed, and erect, and they have long, shaggy tails. The Felinus order-" at this, the teacher blinks her cat-like eyes and swishes her long, bushy tail, "-resembles cats. They have whiskers, diamond-shaped pupils, hairy skin, and furry tails. The Avus order resembles birds. Their arms are attached to giant wings, and they have beaks and feathery tails. The final order is the rarest, that of the Serpentus. The Serpentus had the hardest time adapting to their new forms, and many did not survive. But the few that did had and still have the greatest magical potential, and thus are held in the highest regard. Some of the most legendary Magi were Serpentus. Now, the Serpentus resemble dragons. They have two horns protruding from their heads, leathery skin, two scaly wings, and long, heavy tails. They have a unique ability: breathing fire. However…" the teacher furrows her brow, "this is not permitted in school, as it is a very dangerous ability. Also, as you all must already know, Magic and fighting techniques are not allowed outside the classrooms. Not unless you are fighting to save your own life.
    "Breeding between two different orders is frowned upon in Magi society…"
    Meanwhile, at the foot of the towering cliff, a man sits upon his horse, gazing up at the impressive edifice. He appears to be of the Canus order, but it is difficult to tell, as he is terribly disfigured. His face is scarred and badly burnt, and his tail is limp and hairless. One of his eyes is almost completely hidden by his sagging skin, and the other is bloodshot and yellow. Something had taken a chunk out of his right ear at one time. He is slumped over his horse as if he has been badly wounded, but that is just the way he sits in his saddle.
    "The School of the Magi…" he mutters. He hesitates, then digs his heels into the sides of his horse. The horse whinnies, then trots forlornly along the beach, its head nearly touching the ground. The mysterious man upon the horse smiles, his hand touching his scabbard.

    Classes, NPCs

    The School of the Magi holds about a hundred students, ages 13-17, at any one time, and each one of them takes six classes, taught by one teacher per class. The classes are as follows:

    Offensive Fighting - students learn how to attack the enemy in order to win
    Defensive Fighting - students learn how to protect themselves in a fight
    Magical Fighting - students learn how to fight using Magic
    Theories of Magic - students study Magic, its uses, and its downsides
    Practical Magic - students learn how to utilize Magic in peaceful ways
    History of the Magi - students learn about their origins

    The NPCs consist of teachers, non-player students, and family members of students. There are six teachers, one for each class, and one Headmistress. Their descriptions are as follows:

    Headmistress Emilene - Avus order. Strict and cold-hearted, on the outside. She is very serious about her job and very protective of her students.
    Master Markus - Serpentus order. Fit and speedy. He enjoys teaching and is a very encouraging and amiable teacher. Teaches Offensive Fighting.
    Master Rogue - Canus order. Big and burlesque. He is very serious about his work and has been doing it for years. He is rather impatient. Teaches Defensive Fighting.
    Madame Alia - Avus order. Energetic but very patient. She tends to favor her female students because she wants them to be as successful as she is. Teaches Magical Fighting.
    Master Wolber - Avus order. Timid and clumsy. He is usually afraid to make eye contact with his students, so the bigger ones tend to pick on him. Teaches Theories of Magic.
    Madame Kayfara - Canus order. Soft-spoken and gentle. All her students love her, except the more troublesome ones. Teaches Practical Magic.
    Madame Daela - Felinus order. A bit strict, but has a good sense of humor. She has no tolerance for troublemakers in her class, and most dare not misbehave


    * Follow the TOS. No brainer there.
    * Be polite to other members. Your character can be the snottiest kid in the school, but if you yourself are starting to emulate that, you will find yourself blacklisted.
    * No swearing. Absolutely none whatsoever. Period. We will not tolerate anything beyond "dang", "zounds", and the like.
    * ABSOLUTELY NO GOD-MODDING. Please, people. It just isn't fun. Do not control other people's characters and do not kill them or attack them without their owner's permission.
    * No overly bloody or gruesome violence.
    * Be realistic. Should we get around to full-out battles (again, it's a wait-and-see thing right now), don't make your character practically immortal. This is just common sense. If your character is dodging every attack and knocking out everybody on the field, you are going to be warned. If you keep it up, you will be asked to leave. People like that really ruin the whole RPing experience.
    * Limit the romance. Crushes are fine, as are boyfriends and girlfriends. Hand-holding and light kisses are fine. But if your character is making out constantly and the scenes are getting way too sensual, then you will be warned. Keep it up and you will be blacklisted. If you want to have your character marry another once they leave school, if they ever do, that is perfectly fine.
    * Stay on topic. OOC comments are fine, as long as you make them obvious through the use of (( ))'s. But try to stick with the story instead of derailing it with mindless chatter.
    * Have fun! If you don't we'll…um…frown in your general direction.

    um....i dont know what to call this


    I shall explain each to you so you know exactly what to say.
    Name. Simple enough. Just name your character (first name only). As long as it's not something nasty like a swear word or something like "Cow Dung", I won't have a problem with it. Complex names aren't recommended, but I won't reject your application just for that.
    Gender. Even simpler. Your character has to be either a boy or a girl. No androgynous characters, please.
    Age. They can be 13-17.
    Order. The order your character is in. This is very important because it dictates such things as what your character looks like, who they hang out with, and what skills they have. The orders are Canus (wolf-like), Felinus (cat-like), Avus (bird-like), and Serpentus (dragon-like).
    Personality. This one's pretty simple. I only require one word, but you can put more if you like. Examples are: friendly, withdrawn, extroverted, troublesome, snooty, sensitive, etc. Try to be descriptive. "Nice", for instance, is very bland. There are lots of nice students at the School of the Magi. That's not to say your character can't be nice, but that can be indicated through the RPing.
    Appearance. What your character looks like, basically. It doesn't only have to be what their order features are (i.e. wolfish ears). Magi look like humans aside from their little order distinctions, and they are as varied in appearance as regular humans. You can describe the hair on their head, or say they have freckles. But try to be somewhat descriptive. "He's tall with brown hair" just doesn't cut it. NOTE: instead of writing a description, feel free to include a picture. They have to look like their order, though, so it might be a good idea to draw it yourself or have someone draw it for you based on your description.
    History. Every Magi has a life story. You don't have to describe every moment of their life from birth; just try to give a general account. "He grew up on a farm in the countryside, but he always aspired to live in the city" is fine. It doesn't have to be too long, but not too short, either.
    Skills. This is a bit more difficult to explain. Avus fly, and Serpentus breathe fire, but those aren't the kind of skills I'm talking about. Is your character physically fit? Then they may be good at Offensive Fighting. Skills basically relate to the classes the students take. Or they may not. For instance, your character may be a very skilled cook, but they don't use magic to do it. That's fine to include.
    Here is a sample form (as you can see, I don't really require a lot of description):

    here is mine

    Personality:Layed back and is a good friend but if you piss him off....well just dont piss him off
    Appearance: [​IMG]just add all the stuff of the Serpentus and the scales on his wings are black with a few dark red ones spread around
    History:He was dropped at the door of the school when he was 2 and has been living there since
    Skills:Is very good in offensive and magical fighting and is ok at practical magic but lacks in the rest of the classes

    well i posted this topic at 1:10 PM yesterday and its now 9:15 AM today. was it really such a bad idea?
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